- Install docker & docker-compose & maybe git ;)
- clone this rep & edit some vars ;)
- Build n Run docker image
cd clone.folder && docker-compose build && docker-compose up -d
first container run with ping localhost (uncomment command: in docker-compose.yml file)
then exec into condiner (docker exec -ti container_name sh)
su - uo
cd /UO
git clone https://github.com/ServUO/ServUO
edit configs, maybe use vi editor ;) muhhahaha run make, then create admin user
login admin in client
run this
comment command: in docker-compose.yml
Adding Runic Tools
[add runic"tool" "resource" "uses"
Tool = The request tool Resource = The resouce or type of material used Uses = The amount of uses it will have
Examples: Runic Sewing Kit: [add runicsewingkit barbedleather 100 (leather, spinedleather, hornedleather, barbedleather)
Runic Hammer: [add runichammer valorite 100 (DullCopper, ShadowIron, Copper, Bronze, Gold, Agapite, Verite, Valorite)
Runic Saw: [add runicsaw heartwood 100 (oak, ash, yew, bloodwood, heartwood, frostwood)
Runic FletcherTool: [add runicfletchertool heartwood 100 (oak, ash, yew, bloodwood, heartwood, frostwood)