Function parse all GNU Octave m files in specified directory, identifies all functions and calls, finds out which function calls which one, creates graph in Graphviz format starting from specified function, calls Graphviz to generate graph in pdf format.
This dependency generator does not provide syntax analysis of m files, it only does some regular expression matching.
It can:
- find out recursions,
- work with sub functions and scripts,
- hide or show selected functions or groups of functions.
This code is partly based on dep - Matlab/Octave dependency report by Thomas Guillod.
-- Function File: = mDepGen (..., SPECIALS)
-- Function File: = mDepGen (..., SPECIALS, FORBIDDEN)
-- Function File: = mDepGen (..., SPECIALS, FORBIDDEN, PROPERTY, VALUE,
Function parse all m-files in directory INDIR, identifies all
functions and calls, finds out which function calls which one,
creates graph GRAPHFILE in Graphviz format starting from function
STARTFUNCTION, and calls Graphviz to generate graph in pdf format.
This function does not provide syntax analysis of m-files, it only
does some regular expression matching.
Recursions are identified and plotted on graph by different colour.
m-files in sub directories are also parsed, however function
'addpath' is not yet understood.
Function calls in are identified as something being followed by
parenthesis '('. However some functions are called without
parenthesis (like code 't=tic;'). These functions will be
identified only if:
1, called function is main function in a parsed m-file,
2, called function is sub function in a parsed m-file,
3, called function is listed in SPECIALS.
If "plotunknownfuns" is set to 1 (see lower), false positives can
be generated, for example in code 'a=variable(5)'. This can be
also prevented using FORBIDDEN.
Input variables:
Directory with m-files to be processed.
File name of a starting function of the graph. Either a full
path to the m-file or only a file name. In the last case
INDIR will be prepended to the file name.
File name of a resulted graph. Either a full path of the
graph or only a file name. In the last case a INDIR will be
prepended to the file name.
Cell of character strings with function names. These
functions will be always displayed in the graph.
Cell of character strings with function names. These
functions will never be displayed in the graph.
Graph can be fine tuned by PROPERTY - VALUE pairs. Default value
is in brackets.
("dependency"), string, type of output graph. Possible
Graph showing dependency of m-files. For now it is the
only possibility. More maybe will come in future.
(1), boolean, nonzero means main functions (first one in
m-file) will be plotted. Be carefull to switching this off.
This could result in empty graph. If disabled, dependencies
from main functions will be lost.
(1), boolean, nonzero means sub functions (second and others
in m-file) will be hidden. If so, dependencies will be
inherited to main functions (or scripts, where appropriate).
(1), boolean, nonzero means functions listed in Specials will
be plotted. If disabled, dependencies from special functions
will be lost.
(1), boolean, nonzero means functions followed by parenthesis
'(' and existing in Octave name space will be plotted. If
disabled, dependencies from other functions will be lost.
(1), boolean, nonzero means anything resembling function call
(word followed by parenthesis '(' will be plotted. Due to
limitations of this program variables can be considered as
function calls (i.e. code 'variable(:)'). If disabled,
dependencies from unknown functions will be lost.
(1), boolean, if set frames putting together main function and
its subfunction from single m-file will be plotted. Option
has no sense if plotsubfuns is set to 0.
(2), integer, if set to zero no output will be printed out.
If set to 1, only status of process will be shown. If set to
2, all various informations will be shown.
(0), boolean, if set, various debug informations will be saved
to multiple files.
mDepGen('.', 'mDepGen', 'example_graph', {'fopen', 'fclose'}, {'PrepareLine'}, 'plototherfuns', 1)
Following code:
mDepGen('test_functions/', 'script', 'readme_fig1')
generates dependency graph of functions in directory test_functions
and the starting point is
script script
from m-file script.m
One can see scripts are shown in green colour, main functions are shown in blue colour and
subfunctions are shown in white colour. script.m
contains one subfunction and main.m
one main function which calls two subfunctions. Functions and subfunctions of one m-file are grouped
by a frame. Two recursions are marked by red line. Only functions defined in m-files located in
specified directory and depending on script.m
are shown.
mDepGen('test_functions/', 'script', 'readme_fig2', {'tic'})
generates dependency graph where calls to function tic
are also shown (input parameter
mDepGen('test_functions/', 'script', 'readme_fig2', {}, {'dependency_2'})
generates dependency graph where calls to and from function dependency_2
are not shown (input parameter
Forbidden). One can see function dependency_3
also is not shown, because it is only called by
(and by itself).
mDepGen('test_functions/', 'script', 'readme_fig5', {}, {}, 'plototherfuns', 1)
generates dependency graph where all calls to functions in m-files and calls to functions known to GNU Octave are shown. However functions known to GNU Octave not followed by parentheses are not found.
mDepGen('test_functions/', 'main', 'readme_fig4', {}, {}, 'plototherfuns', 1, 'plotunknownfuns', 1)
generates dependency graph where all possible calls to all possible functions are shown (function is
word followed by (
). However this could generate false positives, as is shown in the figure:
is not a function, but a variable:
Example 6 - hidden sub functions
mDepGen('test_functions/', 'script', 'readme_fig6', {}, {}, 'hidesubfuns', 0)
generates dependency graph where all subfunctions are hidden. Dependencies from subfunctions will be inherited to main functions (or scripts, where appropriate), therefore dependencies are not lost.
Following figure was obtained by plotting dependency of mDepGen.m
using following code:
mDepGen('.', 'mDepGen', 'readme_fig7', {}, {}, 'plotfileframes', 0)
One can see quite complex structure with several recursions. Frame grouping main function and subfunctions of particular m-files was switched off because was not needed: dependencies from only one m-file is shown.