This firmware uses nomagic probe. It provides a gdb server interface to be used with RP2040 (The chip on the RaspberryPi pico board) over a SWD connection.
please refer to the nomagic probe project for most of the documentation.
Additional documentation can be created by doing
make doc
the created documentation is then located in the build/doxygen/ folder.
The firmware can be build using make. The generated Files will be placed in the bin folder. For details try
make help
for this to work you (obviously) need to have make installed. Depending on the target you are building for you might need to have additionaltools installed:
To build for ARM Cortex-M Targets you need GCC ARM Embedded
to flash and program you need OpenOCD
to create an *.uf2 file you need elf2uf2
for automatic generated documentation you need Doxygen
The pico has 40 pins (1..40) Numbered counter clock wise starting at the USB connector.
+-----+ +-------+ USB +---------+ GPIO 0 -+- 1 +-----+ 40 -+- Vbus GPIO 1 -+- 2 39 -+- Vsys Gnd -+- 3 38 -+- Gnd GPIO 2 -+- 4 37 -+- 3V3_EN GPIO 3 -+- 5 36 -+- 3V3(Out) GPIO 4 -+- 6 35 -+- ADC-Vref GPIO 5 -+- 7 34 -+- GPIO 28 Gnd -+- 8 33 -+- Gnd GPIO 6 -+- 9 32 -+- GPIO 27 GPIO 7 -+- 10 31 -+- GPIO 26 GPIO 8 -+- 11 30 -+- Run = /Reset GPIO 9 -+- 12 29 -+- GPIO 22 Gnd -+- 13 28 -+- Gnd GPIO 10 -+- 14 27 -+- GPIO 21 GPIO 11 -+- 15 26 -+- GPIO 20 GPIO 12 -+- 16 25 -+- GPIO 19 GPIO 13 -+- 17 24 -+- GPIO 18 Gnd -+- 18 23 -+- Gnd GPIO 14 -+- 19 22 -+- GPIO 17 GPIO 15 -+- 20 Debug 21 -+- GPIO 16 +-----------------------+ S G S W n W C d D L I K O
Pin 2: (GPIO 1) SWDIR (High = from Probe to target; Low= from Target to probe)
Pin 4: (GPIO 2) SWCLK
Pin 5: (GPIO 3) SWDIO
Pin 6: (GPIO 4) Target Uart TX (UART1) - output from PC - connect to target RX
Pin 7: (GPIO 5) Target Uart RX (UART1) - input to PC - connect to target TX
Pin 9: (GPIO 6) Run = /Reset
Pin 21: (GPIO 16) Debug Uart TX (UART0)
Pin 22: (GPIO 17) Debug Uart RX (UART0)
Additionally to the Acknowledgments of the nomagic probe firmware we must also thank Raspberry Pi for providing the RP2040 chip and the detailed documentation.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <>