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allow declaration of custom operations at precompilation
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Fixes #404.
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simonbyrne committed Jul 7, 2020
1 parent 00a3f56 commit 21949a1
Showing 1 changed file with 54 additions and 5 deletions.
59 changes: 54 additions & 5 deletions src/operators.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -10,14 +10,23 @@ An MPI reduction operator, for use with [Reduce/Scan collective operations](@ref
Wrap the Julia reduction function `op` for arguments of type `T`. `op` is assumed to be
associative, and if `iscommutative` is true, assumed to be commutative as well.
Certain combinations of `op` and `T` will use the predefined MPI intrinsic operations,
otherwise it will wrap the function in a Julia closure at runtime. The macro [`@Op`](@ref)
can be used to wrap functions ahead of time, which may reduce runtime overhead, and is
required on platforms where closures are not supported (such as ARM and PPC).
User usage of this function is generally unnecessary since it will be called directly
by the relevant MPI collective operations.
## See also
- [`Reduce!`](@ref)/[`Reduce`](@ref)
- [`Allreduce!`](@ref)/[`Allreduce`](@ref)
- [`Scan!`](@ref)/[`Scan`](@ref)
- [`Exscan!`](@ref)/[`Exscan`](@ref)
@mpi_handle Op MPI_Op fptr
@mpi_handle Op MPI_Op cfunc::Union{Base.CFunction, Nothing}

const OP_NULL = _Op(MPI_OP_NULL, nothing)
const BAND = _Op(MPI_BAND, nothing)
@@ -74,16 +83,56 @@ function Op(f, T=Any; iscommutative=false)
error("User-defined reduction operators are not supported on 32-bit Windows.\nSee for more details.")
w = OpWrapper{typeof(f),T}(f)
fptr = @cfunction($w, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cint}, Ptr{MPI_Datatype}))
op = Op(OP_NULL.val, fptr)
cfunc = @cfunction($w, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cint}, Ptr{MPI_Datatype}))

op = Op(OP_NULL.val, cfunc)
# int MPI_Op_create(MPI_User_function* user_fn, int commute, MPI_Op* op)
@mpichk ccall((:MPI_Op_create, libmpi), Cint,
(Ptr{Cvoid}, Cint, Ptr{MPI_Op}),
fptr, iscommutative, op)
cfunc, iscommutative, op)

finalizer(free, op)
return op

@declareOp(op, T[, iscommutative])
Declare a Julia function `op` to be used as a custom MPI operator [`Op`](@ref) for
variables of type `T`. This will create the [`Op`](@ref) object and define an appropriate
constructor method to `Op`. The `iscommutative` argument indicates to MPI whether or not
MPI can assume the operation is commutative (default is `false`).
The usage of this macro is optional: the main advantage of this is that will avoid the use
of a closure (see ["Closure cfunctions" in the Julia
which may offer some performance advantages.
This should only be called once per combination of `op` and `T`, and should be at the
top-level (e.g. not inside a function). It can be safely used before `MPI.Init()` and
inside a precompiled module.
macro declareOp(f, T, iscommutative=false)
opwrap = gensym(:opwrap) # we need to manually gensym for use with `@cfunction` macro
if !Base.issingletontype(typeof($(esc(f))))
error("@declareOp macro can only be used with instances of singleton types")
const op = Op(OP_NULL.val, nothing)
const $(esc(opwrap)) = OpWrapper{typeof($(esc(f))),$(esc(T))}($(esc(f)))
function initop()
fptr = @cfunction($opwrap, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cint}, Ptr{MPI_Datatype}))
@mpichk ccall((:MPI_Op_create, libmpi), Cint,
(Ptr{Cvoid}, Cint, Ptr{MPI_Op}),
fptr, $iscommutative, op)
if Initialized() && !Finalized()
push!(mpi_init_hooks, initop)
MPI.Op(::typeof($(esc(f))), ::Type{$(esc(T))}; iscommutative=$iscommutative) = op

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