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Debugging Homebrew.jl

staticfloat edited this page Dec 31, 2014 · 2 revisions

If a package is not installing properly, the causes can be wide and varied. In order to help us track down the root issue, we ask a few things of you to include in bug reports:

  • Ensure that the package is being installed by Homebrew.jl and not by a system-wide homebrew installation that you may have on your computer. A good way to do this is to use BinDeps.debug("foo") to see where the binaries for a specific package are being loaded from. Example:
julia> BinDeps.debug("Nettle")
INFO: Reading build script...
The package declares 1 dependencies.
 - Library "nettle"
    - Satisfied by:
      - System Paths at /usr/local/Cellar/nettle/2.7.1/lib/libnettle.4.7.dylib
    - Providers:
      - Homebrew Bottles nettle
      - AptGet package libnettle4 (can't provide)
      - Yum package nettle (can't provide)
      - Autotools Build
  • Try updating your package cache, removing the troubled package (called foo here), and re-adding it:
using Homebrew

In some cases, the Homebrew package name may not be obvious given the Julia package name, the command Homebrew.list() will give a list of packages installed by Homebrew.jl.

  • If package installation fails, (e.g. something goes wrong during Homebrew.add("foo")) post the entire output to a gist.
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