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Allow passing an initial partial Schur decomposition
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haampie committed Feb 22, 2024
1 parent 3cb957d commit 0be7991
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47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ $A$ on the diagonal.


## Partial eigendecomposition
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -153,6 +154,52 @@ ArnoldiMethod.PartialSchur

## Passing an initial guess

If you have a good guess for a target eigenvector, you can potentially speed up
the method by passing it through `partialschur(A, v1=my_initial_vector)`. This
vector is then used to build the Krylov subspace.

## Pre-allocating and custom matrix types

If you call `partialschur` multiple times, and you want to allocate large arrays and buffers only
once ahead of time, you can allocate the relevant matrices manually and pass them to the algorithm.

The same can be done if you want to work with custom matrix types.


## Starting from an initial partial Schur decomposition

You can also use [`ArnoldiWorkspace`](@ref) to start the algorithm from an initial partial Schur
decomposition. This is useful if you already found a few Schur vectors, and want to continue to
find more.

A = rand(100, 100)

# Pre-allocate the relevant Krylov subspace arrays
V, H = rand(100, 21), rand(21, 20)
arnoldi = ArnoldiWorkspace(V, H)

# Find a few eigenvalues
_, info_1 = partialschur!(A, arnoldi, nev = 3, tol = 1e-12)

# Then continue to find a couple more. Notice: 5 in total, so 2 more. Allow larger errors by
# changin `tol`.
F, info_2 = partialschur!(A, arnoldi, nev = 5, start_from = info_1.nconverged + 1 , tol = 1e-8)
@show norm(A * F.Q - F.Q * F.R)

!!! note "Setting `start_from` correctly"

As pointed out above, in real arithmetic the algorithm may find one eigenvalue more than
requested if it corresponds to a conjugate pair. Also it may find fewer, if not all
converge. So if you reuse your `ArnoldiWorkspace`, make sure to set `start_from` to one plus
the number of previously converged eigenvalues.

## What algorithm is ArnoldiMethod.jl?

The underlying algorithm is the restarted Arnoldi method, which be viewed as a
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56 changes: 49 additions & 7 deletions src/ArnoldiMethod.jl
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Expand Up @@ -5,28 +5,57 @@ using StaticArrays

using Base: RefValue, OneTo

export partialschur, LM, SR, LR, SI, LI, partialeigen
export partialschur, partialschur!, LM, SR, LR, SI, LI, partialeigen, ArnoldiWorkspace

ArnoldiWorkspace(n, k) → ArnoldiWorkspace
ArnoldiWorkspace(n, k) → ArnoldiWorkspace
ArnoldiWorkspace(v1, k) → ArnoldiWorkspace
ArnoldiWorkspace(V, H; V_tmp, Q) → ArnoldiWorkspace
Holds the large arrays for the Arnoldi relation: Vₖ₊₁ and Hₖ are matrices that
satisfy A * Vₖ = Vₖ₊₁ * Hₖ, where Vₖ₊₁ is orthonormal of size n × (k+1) and Hₖ upper
Hessenberg of size (k+1) × k. The matrices V_tmp and Q are used for restarts, and
have similar size as Vₖ₊₁ and Hₖ (but Q is k × k, not k+1 × k).
## Examples
# allocates workspace for 20-dimensional Krylov subspace
arnoldi = ArnoldiWorkspace(100, 20)
# allocate workspace for 20-dimensional Krylov subspace, with initial vector ones(100) copied into
# the first column of V
arnoldi = ArnoldiWorkspace(ones(100), 20)
# manually allocate workspace with V, H
V = Matrix{Float64}(undef, 100, 21)
H = Matrix{Float64}(undef, 21, 20)
arnoldi = ArnoldiWorkspace(V, H)
# manually allocate all arrays, including temporaries
V, tmp = Matrix{Float64}(undef, 100, 21), Matrix{Float64}(undef, 100, 21)
H, Q = Matrix{Float64}(undef, 21, 20), Matrix{Float64}(undef, 20, 20)
arnoldi = ArnoldiWorkspace(V, H, V_tmp = tmp, Q = Q)
struct ArnoldiWorkspace{T,TV<:AbstractMatrix{T},TH<:AbstractMatrix{T}}
struct ArnoldiWorkspace{
# Orthonormal basis of the Krylov subspace.

# The Hessenberg matrix of the Arnoldi relation.

# Temporary matrix similar to V, used to restart.

# Unitary matrix size of (square) H to do a change of basis.

function ArnoldiWorkspace(::Type{T}, matrix_order::Int, krylov_dimension::Int) where {T}
# Without an initial vector.
Expand All @@ -36,7 +65,7 @@ struct ArnoldiWorkspace{T,TV<:AbstractMatrix{T},TH<:AbstractMatrix{T}}
V_tmp = similar(V)
H = zeros(T, krylov_dimension + 1, krylov_dimension)
Q = similar(H, krylov_dimension, krylov_dimension)
return new{T,typeof(V),typeof(H)}(V, H, V_tmp, Q)
return new{T,typeof(V),typeof(H),typeof(V_tmp),typeof(Q)}(V, H, V_tmp, Q)

function ArnoldiWorkspace(v1::AbstractVector{T}, krylov_dimension::Int) where {T}
Expand All @@ -46,7 +75,20 @@ struct ArnoldiWorkspace{T,TV<:AbstractMatrix{T},TH<:AbstractMatrix{T}}
H = similar(V, krylov_dimension + 1, krylov_dimension)
fill!(H, zero(eltype(H)))
Q = similar(H, krylov_dimension, krylov_dimension)
return new{T,typeof(V),typeof(H)}(V, H, V_tmp, Q)
return new{T,typeof(V),typeof(H),typeof(V_tmp),typeof(Q)}(V, H, V_tmp, Q)

function ArnoldiWorkspace(
V_tmp::AbstractMatrix{T} = similar(V),
Q::AbstractMatrix{T} = similar(H, size(H, 2), size(H, 2)),
) where {T}
size(V, 2) == size(H, 1) ||
throw(ArgumentError("V should have the same number of columns as H has rows."))
size(H, 1) == size(H, 2) + 1 ||
throw(ArgumentError("H should have one more row than it has columns."))
return new{T,typeof(V),typeof(H),typeof(V_tmp),typeof(Q)}(V, H, V_tmp, Q)

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70 changes: 61 additions & 9 deletions src/run.jl
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Expand Up @@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ The most important keyword arguments:
| `tol` | `Real` | `√eps` | Tolerance for convergence: ‖Ax - xλ‖₂ < tol * ‖λ‖ |
| `v1` | `AbstractVector` | `nothing` | Optional starting vector for the Krylov subspace |
Regarding the initial vector `v1`: it will not be mutated, and it does not have to be normalized.
The target `which` can be any of:
| Target | Description |
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -113,7 +115,7 @@ function partialschur(

if v1 === nothing
arnoldi = ArnoldiWorkspace(vtype(A), size(A, 1), maxdim)
reinitialize!(arnoldi, 0, v -> rand!(v))
reinitialize!(arnoldi, 0, rand!)
length(v1) == size(A, 1) ||
throw(ArgumentError("v1 should have the same dimension as A"))
Expand All @@ -123,6 +125,56 @@ function partialschur(
_partialschur(A, arnoldi, mindim, maxdim, nev, tol, restarts, _which)

partialschur!(A, arnoldi; start_from, initialize, nev, which, tol, mindim, maxdim, restarts) → PartialSchur, History
This is a variant of [`partialschur`](@ref) that operates on a pre-allocated
[`ArnoldiWorkspace`](@ref) instance. This is useful in the following cases:
1. To provide an initial partial Schur decomposition. In that case, set `start_from` to the
number of Schur vectors, and `partialschur` will continue from there. Notice that if you have
only one Schur vector, it can be simpler to pass it as `v1` instead.
2. To provide a custom array type for the basis of the Krylov subspace, the Hessenberg matrix, and
some temporaries.
3. To avoid allocations when calling `partialschur` repeatedly.
You can also provide the initial vector that induces the Krylov subspace in the first column
arnoldi.V[:, 1]. If you do that, set `initialize` explicitly to `false`.
Upon return, note that the PartialSchur struct will contain views of arnoldi.V and arnoldi.H, no
copies are made.
function partialschur!(
start_from::Int = 1,
initialize::Bool = start_from == 1,
nev::Int = min(6, size(A, 1)),
which::Union{Target,Symbol} = LM(),
tol::Real = sqrt(eps(real(vtype(A)))),
mindim::Int = min(max(10, nev), size(A, 1), size(arnoldi.V, 2) - 1),
maxdim::Int = min(max(20, 2nev), size(A, 1), size(arnoldi.V, 2) - 1),
restarts::Int = 200,
) where {T}
s = checksquare(A)
nev < 1 && throw(ArgumentError("nev cannot be less than 1"))
nev mindim maxdim s || throw(
"nev ≤ mindim ≤ maxdim ≤ size(A, 1) does not hold, got $nev$mindim$maxdim$s",
maxdim < size(arnoldi.V, 2) ||
throw(ArgumentError("maxdim should be strictly less than size(arnoldi.V, 2)"))
1 start_from maxdim ||
throw(ArgumentError("start_from should be between 1 and maxdim"))
_which = which isa Target ? which : _symbol_to_target(which)
fill!(view(arnoldi.H, :, start_from:size(arnoldi.H, 2)), zero(T))
initialize && reinitialize!(arnoldi, start_from - 1)
_partialschur(A, arnoldi, mindim, maxdim, nev, tol, restarts, _which, start_from)

_symbol_to_target(sym::Symbol) =
sym == :LM ? LM() :
sym == :LR ? LR() :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -175,11 +227,12 @@ function _partialschur(
active::Int = 1, # when > 1, assumes we already have a converged schur form
) where {T,Ttol<:Real}
# Unpack for convenience
H = arnoldi.H
V = arnoldi.V
Vtmp = arnoldi.V_tmp
V_tmp = arnoldi.V_tmp
Q = arnoldi.Q

# We only need to store one eigenvector of the Hessenberg matrix.
Expand All @@ -201,15 +254,14 @@ function _partialschur(
# We keep length(active:k) ≈ mindim, but we should also retain
# space to add new directions to the Krylov subspace, so
# length(k+1:maxdim) should not be too small either.
active = 1
k = mindim
effective_nev = nev

# Bookkeeping for number of mv-products
prods = mindim
prods = length(active:mindim)

# Initialize an Arnoldi relation of size `mindim`
iterate_arnoldi!(A, arnoldi, 1:mindim)
iterate_arnoldi!(A, arnoldi, active:mindim)

for iter = 1:restarts

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -305,8 +357,8 @@ function _partialschur(
restore_arnoldi!(H, nlock + 1, k, Q, G)

# Finally do the change of basis to get the length `k` Arnoldi relation.
@views mul!(Vtmp[:, purge:k], V[:, purge:maxdim], Q[purge:maxdim, purge:k])
@views copyto!(V[:, purge:k], Vtmp[:, purge:k])
@views mul!(V_tmp[:, purge:k], V[:, purge:maxdim], Q[purge:maxdim, purge:k])
@views copyto!(V[:, purge:k], V_tmp[:, purge:k])
@views copyto!(V[:, k+1], V[:, maxdim+1])

# The active part
Expand All @@ -324,8 +376,8 @@ function _partialschur(
sortschur!(H, copyto!(Q, I), nconverged, ordering)

# Change of basis
@views mul!(Vtmp[:, 1:nconverged], Vconverged, Q[1:nconverged, 1:nconverged])
@views copyto!(Vconverged, Vtmp[:, 1:nconverged])
@views mul!(V_tmp[:, 1:nconverged], Vconverged, Q[1:nconverged, 1:nconverged])
@views copyto!(Vconverged, V_tmp[:, 1:nconverged])

# Copy the eigenvalues just one more time
copy_eigenvalues!(ritz.λs, H, OneTo(nconverged))
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19 changes: 18 additions & 1 deletion test/partial_schur.jl
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
using Test

using ArnoldiMethod: partialschur, vtype, eigenvalues, SR
using ArnoldiMethod: partialschur, partialschur!, vtype, eigenvalues, SR, ArnoldiWorkspace
using LinearAlgebra

@testset "Zero eigenvalues & low-rank matrices" begin
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -118,3 +118,20 @@ end
@test norm(A * schur.Q - schur.Q * schur.R) == 0

@testset "Passing an initial Schur decomp" begin
# First compute a few eigenvalues
A = rand(100, 100)
V, H = rand(100, 21), rand(21, 20)
arnoldi = ArnoldiWorkspace(V, H)
F, history = partialschur!(A, arnoldi, nev = 3, tol = 1e-12)
@test history.converged
@test history.nconverged in 3:4
@test norm(A * F.Q - F.Q * F.R) < 1e-10

# Then continue to find a couple more, at higher tolerance
F, history = partialschur!(A, arnoldi, nev = 5, start_from = history.nconverged + 1 , tol = 1e-8)
@test history.converged
@test history.nconverged in 5:6
@test norm(A * F.Q - F.Q * F.R) < 1e-6

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