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add Gauss Elimination
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RexWzh committed Nov 19, 2022
1 parent d6c5c34 commit 2c70b52
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Showing 8 changed files with 209 additions and 9 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion Project.toml
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Expand Up @@ -20,9 +20,11 @@ julia = "1.3"

ImageTransformations = "02fcd773-0e25-5acc-982a-7f6622650795"
QRDecoders = "d4999880-6331-4276-8b7d-7ee1f305cff8"
Random = "9a3f8284-a2c9-5f02-9a11-845980a1fd5c"
StatsBase = "2913bbd2-ae8a-5f71-8c99-4fb6c76f3a91"
Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"
TestImages = "5e47fb64-e119-507b-a336-dd2b206d9990"

test = ["ImageTransformations", "Test", "Random", "TestImages"]
test = ["ImageTransformations", "QRDecoders", "Test", "Random", "StatsBase", "TestImages"]
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/QRCoders.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,4 +49,7 @@ include("styles/style.jl")
# Generate and export QR code

# Tools for equation solving

end # module
15 changes: 13 additions & 2 deletions src/polynomial.jl
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Expand Up @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ In our notations, the generator matrix is rotate by 180 degrees.

module Polynomial

export Poly, geterrcode, mult, divide, generator_matrix
export Poly, geterrcode, mult, divide, generator_matrix, gfinv, encodepoly

import Base: length, iterate, ==, <<, +, *, ÷, %, copy, zero, eltype

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -311,6 +311,16 @@ Create the Generator Polynomial of degree `n`.
generator(n::Int) = generator(UInt8, n)
generator(::Type{T}, n::Int) where T = prod([Poly{T}([powtable[i], one(T)]) for i in 1:n])

encodepoly(msgpoly::Poly{T}, n::Int) where T
Encode the message polynomial to received polynomial.
function encodepoly(msgpoly::Poly{T}, n::Int) where T
f = msgpoly << n
f + f % generator(T, n)

geterrcode(f::Poly, n::Int)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -368,7 +378,8 @@ e.g. a_0, ..., a_n.
In this sense, we still have G⋅x = c, where x is the message polynomial
and c is the received polynomial.
To get an ordinary generator matrix, just rotate it by 180 degrees.
To get an ordinary generator matrix, just rotate it by 180 degrees,
i.e. @view(G[end:-1:1, end:-1:1])
generator_matrix(msglen::Int, necwords::Int) = generator_matrix(UInt8, msglen, necwords)
function generator_matrix(::Type{T}, msglen::Int, necwords::Int) where T
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77 changes: 77 additions & 0 deletions src/styles/equation.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
# Tools for linear equation

gauss_elimination(A::AbstractMatrix, b::AbstractVector)
Solve the linear equations `Ax=b` by Gauss elimination.
gauss_elimination(A::AbstractMatrix, b::AbstractVector) = gauss_elimination!(copy(A), copy(b))
function gauss_elimination!(A::AbstractMatrix, b::AbstractVector)
x = gauss_elimination!(A, reshape(b, :, 1))
reshape(x, :) # convert to vector

gauss_elimination(A::AbstractMatrix, B::AbstractMatrix)
Solve the linear equations `Ax=B` by Gauss elimination.
In particular, `Ax=I` returns the inverse of `A`.
gauss_elimination(A::AbstractMatrix, B::AbstractMatrix) = gauss_elimination!(copy(A), copy(B))
function gauss_elimination!(A::AbstractMatrix, B::AbstractMatrix)
# check the size of A and B
m, n = size(A)
m == n || throw(DimensionMismatch("A must be square"))
size(B, 1) == m || throw(DimensionMismatch("A and B have different size"))
# Gauss elimination
@inbounds for i in 1:n
# Find the pivot
pivot = findfirst(!iszero, @view(A[i:end, i]))
pivot === nothing && throw(ArgumentError("A is singular"))
pivot += i - 1
# Swap the pivot row with the current row
currow = @views divide.(A[pivot, :], A[pivot, i]) # set leading entry to 1
curval = @views divide.(B[pivot, :], A[pivot, i])
A[pivot, :] = @view(A[i, :]) # `=` is faster than `.=` in general
B[pivot, :] = @view(B[i, :])
A[i, :], B[i, :] = currow, curval
# Eliminate the current column
for j in 1:n
j == i && continue
# rowⱼ = rowⱼ - Aⱼᵢ * rowᵢ
if !iszero(A[j, i])
B[j, :] .⊻= mult.(A[j, i], curval)
A[j, :] .⊻= mult.(A[j, i], currow)
return B

Return the inverse of `A` in GF(256).
Polynomial.gfinv(A::AbstractMatrix) = gauss_elimination(A, one(A))

fillblank( block::AbstractVector{<:Integer}
, validinds::AbstractVector{<:Integer}
, necwords::Int)
Use Gauss elimination to fill the blank entries in `block`
with valid indices `misinds`.
function fillblank( block::AbstractVector{<:Integer}
, validinds::AbstractVector{<:Integer}
, necwords::Int)
reclen = length(block)
length(validinds) + necwords == reclen || throw(DimensionMismatch(
"The number of missing indices must be equal to `necwords`"))
msglen = reclen - necwords
G = generator_matrix(eltype(block), msglen, necwords)
G = @view(G[end:-1:1, end:-1:1]) # rotate by 180 degree
msg = @views gauss_elimination(G[validinds, :], block[validinds])
return mult(G, msg) # encode message
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion src/styles/locate.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,6 +41,12 @@ function getindexes(v::Int)

## 2.2 split indexes into several segments(de-interleave)
getecinfo(v::Int, eclevel::ErrCorrLevel)
Get the error correction information.
getecinfo(v::Int, eclevel::ErrCorrLevel) = @views ecblockinfo[eclevel][v, :]

getsegments(v::Int, mode::Mode, eclevel::ErrCorrLevel)
Expand All @@ -53,7 +59,7 @@ The procedure is similar to `deinterleave` in `QRDecoders.jl`.
function getsegments(v::Int, eclevel::ErrCorrLevel)
# initialize
## get information about error correction
necwords, nb1, nc1, nb2, nc2 = ecblockinfo[eclevel][v, :]
necwords, nb1, nc1, nb2, nc2 = getecinfo(v, eclevel)
## initialize blocks
expand(x) = (8 * x - 7):8 * x
segments = vcat([Vector{Int}(undef, 8 * nc1) for _ in 1:nb1],
Expand Down
11 changes: 9 additions & 2 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ using Random
using ImageCore
using ImageTransformations
using TestImages
using StatsBase
using QRDecoders.Syndrome: fillerasures!

using QRCoders:
# build
Expand All @@ -24,7 +26,8 @@ using QRCoders:
# style
unicodeplot, getindexes, getsegments,
imagebyerrcor, animatebyerrcor,
pickcodewords, getecinfo,
gauss_elimination, fillblank

using QRCoders.Polynomial:
# operator for GF(256) integers
Expand All @@ -33,7 +36,8 @@ using QRCoders.Polynomial:
# operator for polynomials
iszeropoly, degree, zero, unit,
rpadzeros, rstripzeros, generator,
geterrcode, euclidean_divide
geterrcode, euclidean_divide,

# random polynomial
randpoly(::Type{T}, n::Int) where T = Poly{T}([rand(0:255, n-1)..., rand(1:255)])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -62,5 +66,8 @@ include("tst_overall.jl")
# style

# equations

# final message
unicodeplotbychar("") |> println
93 changes: 93 additions & 0 deletions test/tst_equation.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
# Test for Gauss elimination
function fillblankbyFA( block::AbstractVector{<:Integer}
, misinds::AbstractVector{<:Integer}
, necwords::Int)
n = length(block) # number of bytes
recpoly = Poly(reverse(block))
orgpoly = fillerasures!(recpoly, n .- misinds, necwords)
return @view(orgpoly.coeff[end:-1:1])

@testset "Fill blank -- Gauss elimination vs Forney algorithm" begin
# test for fillblank
msglen = rand(1:100)
necwords = rand(1:255 - msglen)
reclen = msglen + necwords
block = rand(0:255, reclen)
validinds = sample(1:msglen, msglen, replace=false)
misinds = setdiff(1:reclen, validinds)
# Note that Gauss elimination takes O(N^3)
# while Forney Algorithm takes O(N^2)
validblock = fillblank(block, validinds, necwords)
blockbyFA = fillblankbyFA(block, misinds, necwords)
@test validblock == blockbyFA
@test validblock[validinds] == block[validinds]
# test for UInt8
msglen = rand(1:100)
necwords = rand(1:255 - msglen)
reclen = msglen + necwords
block = rand(UInt8, reclen)
validinds = sample(1:msglen, msglen, replace=false)
misinds = setdiff(1:reclen, validinds)
validblock = fillblank(block, validinds, necwords)
blockbyFA = fillblankbyFA(block, misinds, necwords)
@test validblock == blockbyFA
@test validblock[validinds] == block[validinds]

## use Gauss elimination to find the inverse of the matrix
@testset "Generator matrix -- inverse of submatrix" begin
# Test for matrix inverse
## Int
A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]
A1 = gfinv(A)
@test mult(A, A1) |> isone
A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 5 7 9] # note that this matrix is invertible in GF(256)
A1 = gfinv(A)
@test mult(A, A1) |> isone
## UInt8
A = UInt8[1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]
A1 = gfinv(A)
@test mult(A, A1) |> isone
## test throw
@test_throws ArgumentError gfinv([1 2; 1 2])
A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]
A[3, :] = A[1, :] .⊻ A[2, :]
@test_throws ArgumentError gfinv(A)
## any `msglen` rows of a generator matrix are linearly dependent
msglen = 3
necwords = 5
reclen = msglen + necwords
A = generator_matrix(msglen, necwords)
rows = sample(1:reclen, msglen, replace=false)
@test mult(gfinv(A[rows, :]), A[rows, :]) |> isone

necwords, _, msglen = getecinfo(1, Medium())
A = generator_matrix(msglen, necwords)
rows = sample(1:msglen + necwords, msglen, replace=false)
@test mult(gfinv(A[rows, :]), A[rows, :]) |> isone
### random test
for eclevel in eclevels, v in 1:40
necwords, _, msglen, _, msglen2 = getecinfo(v, eclevel)
A = generator_matrix(msglen, necwords)
rows = sample(1:msglen + necwords, msglen, replace=false)
@test mult(gfinv(A[rows, :]), A[rows, :]) |> isone
A = generator_matrix(msglen2, necwords)
rows = sample(1:msglen2 + necwords, msglen2, replace=false)
@test mult(gfinv(A[rows, :]), A[rows, :]) |> isone


@testset "Linear equations" begin
A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]
b = [1, 2, 3]
x = gauss_elimination(A, b)
@test mult(A, x) == b
b = reshape([1, 2, 3], :, 1)
x = gauss_elimination(A, b)
@test mult(A, x) == b
B = rand(0:255, 3, rand(1:10))
x = gauss_elimination(A, B)
@test mult(A, x) == B
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions test/tst_operation.jl
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Expand Up @@ -177,17 +177,18 @@ end
@test mult(A, mult(B, C)) == mult(mult(A, B), C)
@test mult(A, mult(B, b)) == mult(mult(A, B), b)

encode(f::Poly, n::Int) = (f << n) + (f << n) % generator(n)
G = generator_matrix(3, 4)
f = randpoly(3)
@test mult(G, f.coeff) == encode(f, 4).coeff
@test mult(G, f.coeff) == encodepoly(f, 4).coeff

m = rand(1:254)
n = rand(1:255-m)
G = generator_matrix(m, n)
@test size(G) == (m+n, m)
f = randpoly(m)
@test mult(G, f.coeff) == encode(f, n).coeff
@test mult(G, f.coeff) == encodepoly(f, n).coeff
# @btime mult(G, f.coeff); # 8.311 μs (86 allocations: 10.66 KiB)
# @btime encodepoly(f, n).coeff; # 1.401 μs (25 allocations: 1.88 KiB)

@test powx(Int, 2) == Poly([0, 0, 1])
@test powx(0) == Poly{UInt8}([1])
Expand Down

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