A minor update focused on compatibility! There were some inconsistencies in the last release, so I figured this might be able to iron them out! Happy Crafting!
Changes in 1.0.1
Technical Changes
- Changed Mod ID to match datapack name
- "juces_crafting_overhaul" instead of "juces_recipe_overhaul"
Redid Vanilla Recipes
Trapdoors now yield 12, matching the conversion rate of slabs
- Iron trapdoors produce 8 as to match this rate
Paper recipe is now shapeless, so it no longer requires a crafting table
Redstone torches yield 4, matching the non-redstone counterpart
Sticks now yield 16, so their conversion rate doesn't match slabs
Sticks From Bamboo now yield 4, matching the original recipe for sticks
Removed Recipes
Removed Saddle recipe as it didn't fit the theme
Removed Name Tag recipe as it didn't fit the theme
Bug Fixes
Piston and Flipped Piston recipe are now grouped in the recipe book
White Terracotta redying now works the same as the rest of the redying
Removed old "jams_smp" tag from some recipe groups