Code-Ju1 is a webpage where you can post your code and share it with other people! Just upload your code and copy the link and you're able to copy the code! It's that easy!
Abel Pauw
Emiel Liefhebber
Jan Braulio Kooij
Sven Jacobs
Install Apache and MySQL
Import the file database/import.sql into MyPHPAdmin
Modify the database/dbconnect.php accordingly to match your username and password
Put the server into the HTDOCS folder of Apache
Run Apache and type localhost into your browser
Syntax highlighing for addcode.php and editcode.php.
Copy button for the code.
Search without filters not working
Filter by date not working
Mobile responsiveness in navbar
Most of the functions are located in components/functions.php
Navbar is in components/navbar.php
Footer is in components/footer.php
Javascript part is in script/script.js
All the styling is located in style/style.css and style/stylelight.css
Images are located in the images/ folder
The database files are located in database/import.sql and database/dbconnect.php