#Birth and Death Certificate Management System
A system for managing and tracking printed and issued birth and death certificates, ensuring accurate record-keeping and easy tracking.
Register new birth/death certificates
Track issued certificates
Search/filter certificates
Admin roles and access control
#Tech Stack
Backend: Django (Python)
Database: MySql
Frontend: (ReactJs + Vite)
Authentication: JWT/Django Auth
Clone the repo:
Copy code
git clone https://github.com/JosephGMkonda/NRB-birthanddealthManagementsystem.git
cd NRB-birthanddealthManagementsystem
Install dependencies:
Copy code
pip install -r requirements.txt
Set up the database and run migrations:
Copy code
python manage.py migrate
Start the server:
Copy code
python manage.py runserver
username: joseph234
password: mkonda23
MIT License