A Blog based on Django where users can add, edit, publish and delete posts with additional features of custom WYSIWYG editor Summernote, TOTP token and Honeypot security for users, with Progressive Web App support, Trusted Web Activity compatiable and Minimal customized Admin Dashboard
- django
- django-summernote
- django-otp
- django-admin-honeypot
- Integrated with Django Summernote Editor
- Django Admin security with Django Admin Honeypot and Django OTP
- Responsive Web pages with Dark Mode
- custom Progressive Web App(TWA compatiable)
- Install Python3
- clone the Repo
git clone https://github.com/kushwanth/django-blogiee.git
- install Dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
- run the following commands
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py makemigrations blog
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver
<h1 class=""h2""> Welcome to <strong>[your blog name]</strong></h1>
move into django-blogiee folder and open the urls.py file with your editor
admin.site.site_header = <your site header>
admin.site.site_title = <your site title>
admin.site.index_title = <admin title>
admin.empty_value_display = '**Empty**'
- open the static folder in the blog folder
- open the icons folder in static
- remove the default logo and place your image with name logo.png to avoid name collosions
- open the settings.py file in the django-blogiee folder
- go to progressive web app data line and add your own details
- you can also change theme color and background color if you wish
PWA_APP_NAME = '[your app name]'
PWA_APP_DESCRIPTION = ""[your app description]""
PWA_APP_DISPLAY = 'standalone'
'src': '/static/icons/logo.png',
'sizes': '160x160'
'src': '/static/icons/logo.png',
'sizes': '160x160'
'src': '/static/icons/logo.png',
'media': '(device-width: 320px) and (device-height: 640px) and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 2)'
PWA_APP_DIR = 'ltr'
- open the django admin dashboard with superuser access
- go to TOTP devices and click add button
- add user and add the device name and click save
- open your authenticator app and scan the Qr code by clicking the qr code option
- logout and open the urls.py file in the django-blogiee folder
- remove the comment in the 24th and make it as interpretable line
admin.site.__class__ = OTPAdminSite #remove the comment fom this line