Web based app to show users the location of green roofs, farmer's markets, and bike racks in Chicago
- API from Chicago's public data portal:
- Google Maps API.
- Users then can select from buttons to find the closest Green Roof, Bike Rack, Farmers Market.
- User can see locations pinned on a map, that can drag and zoom.
- User can click marker to get more info including address and Farmer's Market day/time.
Querying API location data and visualizing it with Google.maps.
Classes used to standardize queries for each API.
- Classes have:
dataSetID => the part of the url unique to each API.
class API { constructor (dataSetID, name) { this.name = name; this.baseURL = `https://data.cityofchicago.org/resource/`; this.uniqueID = `${dataSetID}`;
- Allows me to query 3 different API's by only changing the datasetID
const bikeRacks = new BikeRackInfo('cbyb-69xx', 'Bike Racks'); const farmersMarkets = new FarmersMarketInfo('3r5z-s68i', 'Farmer\'s Markets'); const greenRoofs = new GreenRoofInfo('tnn6-5k2t', 'Greenroofs')
- Classes have:
dataSetID => the part of the url unique to each API.
Load google map
let map; function initMap () { map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), { center: {lat: 41.871930, lng: -87.653404}, zoom: 10 }); }
Vanilla javascript used with google.maps script.
Query items in city API to get latitude/longitude.
for (let i = 0; i < reportData.length; i++) { let marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: new google.maps.LatLng(reportData[i].latitude, reportData[i].longitude), map: map })
marker.addListener('click', function() { lastInfoWindow && lastInfoWindow.close(); map.setCenter(marker.getPosition()); const getInfo = () => { let infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: `<p>${reportData[i].house_number} ${reportData[i].pre_dir} ${reportData[i].street_name}</br> </p><a href="${reportData[i].fact_sheet}" target="_blank">Fact Sheet</a>` })
- Markers can display object info
- Using Google's infoWindow() and open() functions.
- Warning: custom pop-ups are hard
Button functions:
- When clicked, get locations of button item named.
- A function takes a parameter of a class instance that is the specific API.
Farmer's markets:
- Unique websites sometimes available.
Stretch Goals:
Allow for users to find nearest mural.
Allow users to get directions.
- Will require Google's directions API.
Allow users to add photos.
Add openspace data.
Add a background that scrolls city murals.
// NEXT: // - buttons change color when clicked and stay that color until another button is selected. // - ADD OSCILATING PHOTO BACKGROUNDS // -GET USER LOCATION // -SECOND CLICK REMOVES TRANSIT OR BIKE PATHS
Joshua M. McGehee
Chris Metcalf from Socrata