A full-stack course-selling app with admin and user dashboards. Admins can manage courses, while users can explore and purchase. It offers login and registration for both roles.
- The admin side of the course selling app.
- Admins can effortlessly log in or register a new account.
- All admins have the power to:
- CREATE course
- UPDATE courses
- DELETE courses
- The user side of the course-selling app
- Users can conveniently log in or register a new account.
- Users get access to a wide range of courses to explore and learn from.
- Users can seamlessly purchase their preferred courses!
- React.js
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB
- CSS3
To get a local copy up and running, please follow the simple steps.
Node.js and npm should be installed on your machine.
- Fork the repository to your profile.
- Clone your repository by running the following command in your terminal:
git clone <your-repository-url>
- Change directory to the root of the cloned repository
cd LearnAcademy
- Change directory to the server folder
cd server
- Install the required npm packages
npm install
- Create .env file and add DB_NAME and SECRET
DB_CONNECT = mongodb+srv://<name:password>@cluster0.1uxyuwe.mongodb.net/courses SECRET = "Random String";
- Start the server
npm start
- Change directory to the client-admin folder
cd ../client-admin
- Install the required npm packages for the admin client
npm install
- Run the admin client in development mode
npm run dev
- Change directory to the client-admin folder
cd ../client-user
- Install the required npm packages for the admin client
npm install
- Run the admin client in development mode
npm run dev