Starting next month, Apple will change the supported algorithms that secure server connections for ApplePay ontheWeb. In order to maintain uninterrupted service, you’ll need to ensure that your production servers support one or more of the designated six ciphers before February4,2025.
These algorithm changes will affect any secure connection you’ve established as part of your ApplePay integration, including the following touchpoints:
- Requesting an ApplePay payment session (ApplePay on the Web only)
- Renewing your domain verification (ApplePay on the Web only)
- Receiving and handling merchant token notifications for recurring, deferred, and automatic-reload transactions (ApplePay on the Web and inapp)
- Creating and updating Wallet Orders (ApplePay on the Web and inapp)
- Managing merchant onboarding via the ApplePay Web Merchant Registration API (payment service provider (PSP) and e-commerce platforms only)