This project demonstrates an approch for order independent transparency. For implementation details, see main.cpp
The build system that was chosen is the SCons build system (
Scons required python 3 to be installed, along with pip. Once installed run
python3 -m pip install scons
or if you are on Windows
python -m pip install scons
- OpenGL 4.3
- Anisotropic Filtering Extension
- Shader Storages Buffer Objects Extension
- Shader Atomic Counters Extension
Due to restrictions with file size and github, the model files and textures (except for dragon.mtl) are not included. However, the build system will handle the downloading and extracting of the files. In the project directory run
scons get-dependecies
Make sure that 64 bit GLFW3 and it's dev files are installed
sudo apt install libglfw3
sudo apt install libglfw3-dev
Download 64 bit GLFW3 from If using MSBuild tools use the files from any of the lib-vc*. If using GCC, use the files from lib-mingw-w64
The build system that was chosen is the SCons build system. To build, open a terminal in the project directory and run
To speed up build times, you can use the -j flag to specify the number of theads to use, just like make. For example:
scons -j4
In some linux distributions, linking to glfw3 will fail and must be linked to glfw. If this happens, add '--glfw-linker-fix" to the build command
scons --glfw-linker-fix
--glfw-linker-fix Links to glfw instead of glfw3
--debug-build Enables debug logging
--debug-opengl Enables OpenGL debug logging