Releases: Jaspersoft/jasperreports
JasperReports 6.21.4
JasperReports 7.0.1
added automatic module names to manifest files and fixed split packages issues in preparation for
Java 9 modules compliance; -
minor bug fixes and improvements;
JasperReports 7.0.0
removal of the Ant build system and replacing it with a Maven build system;
deprecated code removed;
breaking backward compatibility of serialized/compiled *.jasper report template files,
mostly because of historical deprecated serialization code removal/cleanup mentioned above
(source *.jrxml report templates need to be recompiled to *.jasper using the new version of
the library); -
breaking backward compatibility of source *.jrxml report template files and *.jrtx style
template files by replacing the Apache Commons Digester based parsers with Jackson XML object
serialization. *.jrxml and *.jrtx files created with version 6 or older can no longer be loaded
with version 7 or newer of the library alone. The conversion from the old file formats to the new
file formats and back can be made using Jaspersoft Studio 7 and later versions of it; -
extracting various optional extension JAR artifacts from the the core library JAR artifact
to allow the Jakarta Migration of certain of these optional features while also introducing
better third party Maven dependency management of these artifacts; -
some Java package names have changed as a consequence of separating functionality into optional JAR artifacts;
upgraded JFreeChart to version 1.5.4 which no longer has support for 3D charts. Reports having
Pie 3D, Bar 3D and Stacked Bar 3D charts would continue to work, but will be rendered as 2D,
all their 3D effects being ignored; -
minor bug fixes and improvements;
JasperReports 6.21.3
allow background section elements to be exported as page header content in the DOCX exporter
so that watermark type effects could be achieved; -
minor bug fixes and improvements;
JasperReports 6.21.2
- minor bug fixes and improvements;
JasperReports 6.21.0
added support for PDF/A-2a, PDF/A-2b, PDF/A-2u, PDF/A-3a, PDF/A-3b, PDF/A-3u;
added support for WEBP images;
minor bug fixes and improvements;
JasperReports 6.20.6
optional style expression added to report elements in addition to their existing static style
reference property to allow for more flexible and dynamic styling scenarios; -
new IS_EVEN_ROW and IS_EVEN_COLUMN boolean built-in variables available in crosstabs to help
with alternate row/column styling of crosstab cells; -
new custom configuration property added to
control the rendering of table components as true PowerPoint table structures in PPTX exports; -
added new data source implementation based on the Fastexcel Reader library to allow loading of
larger XLSX files without using too much heap memory (compared to existing POI-based implementation); -
new custom property net.sf.jasperreports.cut.text.max.height available for text field elements
to limit the maximum height to which they can stretch to accommodate their larger text content
when textAdjust attribute is set to CutText value; -
improved caching for clipped images and SVG drawings in the PDF exporter to help create smaller
size PDF files; -
new number rounding functions available in report expressions;
minor bug fixes and improvements;
JasperReports 6.20.5
fix historical text measuring truncation by rounding up the AWT measured text height to the upper
integer value instead of truncating it to the lower integer value and thus causing the text elements
having dynamic height to be 1 pixel taller to avoid text being cut in PDF exports;
for minimum disruption in upgrades, the former text measuring behavior is still available through the
net.sf.jasperreports.legacy.text.measuring boolean configuration property that would need to be set to true; -
performance improvements for the HTML and RTF text markup processors by replacing the JEditorPane based
implementations with faster EditorKit implementations and fixing some multi-threading issues; -
support for CMYK color conversion for text and shapes in PDF export using ICC profiles
(excluding image color conversion); -
support for unpatched versions of the OpenPDF library although this is not recommended for as long as
the following OpenPDF bug remains open: LibrePDF/OpenPDF#676 -
minor bug fixes and improvements;
JasperReports 6.20.3
added support for multiple marker series in the Google map component, with ability to show/hide
each series through an interactive legend and ability to bring the map to its initial visual state
using a custom reset button; -
introducing expression backed custom properties at report part level to allow attaching metadata to
parts in multi-part documents, to be leveraged during report output post-processing by the parent application; -
allowing the creation of multi-part documents from single part (section based) report templates
using a special custom property at report element level that triggers the creation of a separate part
for the current page when the property is met; -
various dependencies upgrades including: Spring 5.3.26 and TestNG 7.7.0;
minor bug fixes and improvements;
JasperReports 6.20.1
XLSX metadata exporter added to produce pure data output in the modern Excel file format (similar to pre-existing XLS and CSV metadata exporters);
optimizations and improvements made in the XLSX exporter to allow skipping time consuming text measuring routines during the report filling process and produce the output document faster when the Excel format is the main (if not the only) export target;
support for file encryption in the XLS, XLSX, DOCX and PPTX exporters;
marker clustering and marker spidering features added to the Google Map component;
allow specifying the split type in table component rows;
replaced iText 2.1.7 with OpenPDF 1.3.30 for PDF export;
various dependencies upgrades including: Apache Lucene 8.11.2, Bouncy Castle 1.71, Jaxen 1.2.0, Apache POI 5.2.2, Apache Batik 1.16, Jackson 2.14.1 and Groovy 4.0.8;
the Apache Xalan dependency was taken out from the core library and moved into an optional and deprecated extension module;
minor bug fixes and improvements;