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Added more tests for FullTextIndexDefinition definition
oskardudycz committed Dec 5, 2023
1 parent dfebada commit be1fc5a
Showing 5 changed files with 294 additions and 274 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/Weasel.Postgresql.Tests/Tables/IndexDefinitionTests.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ public class IndexDefinitionTests

private Table parent = new Table("people");

[InlineData(IndexMethod.btree, true)]
[InlineData(IndexMethod.gin, false)]
[InlineData(IndexMethod.brin, false)]
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
using Shouldly;
using Weasel.Postgresql.Tables;
using Weasel.Postgresql.Tables.Indexes;
using Xunit;

namespace Weasel.Postgresql.Tests.Tables.Indexes;

public class FullTextIndexDeltasTests: IntegrationContext

public FullTextIndexDeltasTests(string schemaName) : base(schemaName)

// #region sample_using_a_full_text_index_through_attribute_on_class_with_default
// [FullTextIndex]
// public class Book
// {
// public Guid Id { get; set; }
// public string Title { get; set; }
// public string Author { get; set; }
// public string Information { get; set; }
// }
// #endregion
// #region sample_using_a_single_property_full_text_index_through_attribute_with_default
// public class UserProfile
// {
// public Guid Id { get; set; }
// [FullTextIndex] public string Information { get; set; }
// }
// #endregion
// #region sample_using_a_single_property_full_text_index_through_attribute_with_custom_settings
// public class UserDetails
// {
// private const string FullTextIndexName = "mt_custom_user_details_fts_idx";
// public Guid Id { get; set; }
// [FullTextIndex(IndexName = FullTextIndexName, RegConfig = "italian")]
// public string Details { get; set; }
// }
// #endregion
// #region sample_using_multiple_properties_full_text_index_through_attribute_with_default
// public class Article
// {
// public Guid Id { get; set; }
// [FullTextIndex] public string Heading { get; set; }
// [FullTextIndex] public string Text { get; set; }
// }
// #endregion
// #region sample_using_multiple_properties_full_text_index_through_attribute_with_custom_settings
// public class BlogPost
// {
// public Guid Id { get; set; }
// public string Category { get; set; }
// [FullTextIndex] public string EnglishText { get; set; }
// [FullTextIndex(RegConfig = "italian")] public string ItalianText { get; set; }
// [FullTextIndex(RegConfig = "french")] public string FrenchText { get; set; }
// }
// #endregion
// public class full_text_index: OneOffConfigurationsContext
// {
// [PgVersionTargetedFact(MinimumVersion = "10.0")]
// public async Task wholedoc_fts_index_comparison_works()
// {
// StoreOptions(_ =>
// {
// _.Schema.For<User>().FullTextIndex();
// });
// // Apply changes
// await theStore.Storage.ApplyAllConfiguredChangesToDatabaseAsync();
// // Look at updates after that
// var patch = await theStore.Storage.Database.CreateMigrationAsync();
// var patchSql = patch.UpdateSql();
// Assert.DoesNotContain("drop index if exists full_text_index.mt_doc_user_idx_fts", patchSql);
// Assert.DoesNotContain("drop index full_text_index.mt_doc_user_idx_fts", patchSql);
// }
// [PgVersionTargetedFact(MinimumVersion = "10.0")]
// public async Task fts_index_comparison_must_take_into_account_automatic_cast()
// {
// StoreOptions(_ =>
// {
// _.Schema.For<Company>()
// .FullTextIndex(x => x.Name);
// });
// // Apply changes
// await theStore.Storage.ApplyAllConfiguredChangesToDatabaseAsync();
// // Look at updates after that
// var patch = await theStore.Storage.Database.CreateMigrationAsync();
// var patchSql = patch.UpdateSql();
// Assert.DoesNotContain("drop index if exists full_text_index.mt_doc_user_idx_fts", patchSql);
// Assert.DoesNotContain("drop index full_text_index.mt_doc_user_idx_fts", patchSql);
// }
// [PgVersionTargetedFact(MinimumVersion = "10.0")]
// public async Task multifield_fts_index_comparison_must_take_into_account_automatic_cast()
// {
// StoreOptions(_ =>
// {
// _.Schema.For<User>()
// .FullTextIndex(x => x.FirstName, x => x.LastName);
// });
// // Apply changes
// await theStore.Storage.ApplyAllConfiguredChangesToDatabaseAsync();
// // Look at updates after that
// var patch = await theStore.Storage.Database.CreateMigrationAsync();
// var patchSql = patch.UpdateSql();
// Assert.DoesNotContain("drop index if exists full_text_index.mt_doc_user_idx_fts", patchSql);
// Assert.DoesNotContain("drop index full_text_index.mt_doc_user_idx_fts", patchSql);
// }
// [PgVersionTargetedFact(MinimumVersion = "10.0")]
// public async Task modified_fts_index_comparison_must_generate_drop()
// {
// StoreOptions(_ =>
// {
// _.Schema.For<User>()
// .FullTextIndex(x => x.FirstName);
// });
// // Apply changes
// await theStore.Storage.ApplyAllConfiguredChangesToDatabaseAsync();
// // Change indexed fields
// StoreOptions(_ =>
// {
// _.Schema.For<User>()
// .FullTextIndex(x => x.FirstName, x => x.LastName);
// }, false);
// // Look at updates after that
// var patch = await theStore.Storage.Database.CreateMigrationAsync();
// Assert.Contains("drop index if exists full_text_index.mt_doc_user_idx_fts", patch.UpdateSql());
// }
// [PgVersionTargetedFact(MinimumVersion = "10.0")]
// public async Task migration_from_v3_to_v4_should_not_result_in_schema_difference()
// {
// // setup/simulate a full text index as in v3
// StoreOptions(_ =>
// {
// _.Schema.For<User>().FullTextIndex();
// });
// await theStore.Storage.ApplyAllConfiguredChangesToDatabaseAsync();
// // drop and recreate index with a sql statement not containing `::regconfig`
// await using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(ConnectionSource.ConnectionString))
// {
// await conn.OpenAsync();
// await conn.CreateCommand("DROP INDEX if exists full_text_index.mt_doc_user_idx_fts")
// .ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
// await conn.CreateCommand(
// "CREATE INDEX mt_doc_user_idx_fts ON full_text_index.mt_doc_user USING gin (( to_tsvector('english', data) ))")
// .ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
// }
// // create another store and check if there is no schema difference
// var store2 = DocumentStore.For(_ =>
// {
// _.Connection(ConnectionSource.ConnectionString);
// _.AutoCreateSchemaObjects = AutoCreate.CreateOrUpdate;
// _.DatabaseSchemaName = "fulltext";
// _.Schema.For<User>().FullTextIndex();
// });
// await Should.NotThrowAsync(async () => await store2.Storage.Database.AssertDatabaseMatchesConfigurationAsync());
// }
// }
// public static class FullTextIndexTestsExtension
// {
// public static void ShouldContainIndexDefinitionFor<TDocument>(
// this StorageFeatures storage,
// string tableName = "full_text_index.mt_doc_target",
// string indexName = "mt_doc_target_idx_fts",
// string regConfig = "english",
// string documentConfig = null)
// {
// var documentMapping = storage.MappingFor(typeof(TDocument));
// var table = new DocumentTable(documentMapping);
// var ddl = documentMapping.Indexes
// .Where(x => x.Name == indexName)
// .Select(x => x.ToDDL(table))
// .FirstOrDefault();
// ddl.ShouldNotBeNull();
// SpecificationExtensions.ShouldContain(ddl, $"CREATE INDEX {indexName}");
// SpecificationExtensions.ShouldContain(ddl, $"ON {tableName}");
// SpecificationExtensions.ShouldContain(ddl, $"to_tsvector('{regConfig}',{documentConfig})");
// if (regConfig != null)
// {
// SpecificationExtensions.ShouldContain(ddl, regConfig);
// }
// if (documentConfig != null)
// {
// SpecificationExtensions.ShouldContain(ddl, documentConfig);
// }
// }
// }

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