NapalmMultipleDevices - Configuration push configuration to multiple devices using Napalm. Utilizing list to loop through Cisco devices
NetmikoMultipleDevices - Configuration push configuration to multiple devices using Netmiko.Utilizing list to loop through Cisco devices
ldapAdGroupUserAdd - Remote Ldap3 script to check if the user is in Windows Active Directory group, if not adds user in to group. Utilizing list to loop through users.
LinuxDNSChange - Uses Netmiko to connect and loop through linux OS devices read contains of /etc/resolf.conf and if entry is diferent than the desired DNS server, change the entry. Utilizing list to loop through devices
Meraki Bandwith - As the API can not be used to get meraki bandwith can use API to get urls of MXs and Selenium to navigate the page and webscrape the bandwith. API to get urls of meraki devices ( then webscrape with ( output in csv.
meraki_network_clients - Can be used to get all the devices details on specific SSID across the organization. With adjutment can get detail by OS, decription, status etc..