An Omnipay driver for the Quickpay payment processor.
QuickPay is a Payment Service Provider that accept all common payment methods - credit cards, bank transfers, invoices, and more.
The Omnipay php library is an easy to use, consistent payment processing library for PHP 5.3+
Because you can learn one API and use it in multiple projects using different payment gateways Because if you need to change payment gateways you won't need to rewrite your code
Read more about Omnipay here:
- Authorize
- Purchase
- Capture
- Refund
- Void
- Notification
- Recurring (Not supported by Omnipay, but Quickpay has made this functionality very similar to regular payments)
- type
- merchant
- agreement
- apikey
- privatekey
- language
- google_analytics_tracking_id
- google_analytics_client_id
- description
- order_id
- payment_methods
- synchronized (bool)
This module was coded by Nobrainer Web, with support from QuickPay