Hi! If you're here that means you need to be tested, right? Okay, let's get started then. First, install react and vtex using npm. Now take a quick look at VTEX IO Framework documentation if you are not already familiar with that: Docs. Last but not least, one more thing that will help on your test is the vtex-apps
repository (here), which holds all the IO apps built by them. If you have any questions or doubts, first refer to the docs, then to the repository and last, to me.
We need you to build an Search Autocomplete that lists both, the possible word that is being written and the possible products related to that word. The search must work with single words and multiple words. There is already an Graphql API ready to be used, made just for this purpose. It's located on the vtex-apps
repository and your task is also find it. When the user clicks on a product, he is redirected to that product page. When a user clicks on the suggested word... well, that's self-explanatory :)
React and VTEX IO framework.
Just email me asking for a workspace and access to the Codeby store. [email protected]
You can also email me here: [email protected]