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ScRunner is a script runner for python.

It specialises in running a repeated set of analysis scripts on similar data, and allows you to collect scripts together with metadata for easy comparisons.

The scripts must all use the same argument parser API, and must contain frontmatter in the docstring to describe the figures that will be made.

These figures can then be combined together into a webpage for easy viewing. ScRunner is a simplified, generalised, version of the swift-pipeline, along with PagePlot.


This package only has two requirements:

  • attrs
  • jinja2

Script API

Scripts must include frontmatter in their docstring, as follows (with examples):

Basic script description

"name": "",
"created_by": "Josh Borrow",
"contact_email": "[email protected]",
"capture_stdout": "True",
"outputs": [
        "filename": "stellar_density_image",
        "title": "Stellar Halo Image",
        "description": "Projected stellar density through entire selected volume (as a 2D histogram). Haloes with $M_* > 10^6$ M$_\\odot$ are shown as points.",
        "multi_output": "False"
        "filename": "stellar_density_image_individual",
        "title": "Stellar Halo Image",
        "description": "Projected stellar density for individual objects",
        "multi_output": "True"
"ancillary_outputs": [
        "filename": "parameters.txt",
        "title": "Runtime Parameters"
        "filename": "config.txt",
        "title": "Compile-time Parameters"

The frontmatter should be valid JSON (i.e. it must not have trailing commas).

This script should then produce two sets of figures (listed in "outputs"), and two additional outputs ("parameters.txt" and "config.txt"). The first, a single figure, called stellar_density_image.png (or other given file extension, decided at runtime), and a series of figures called stellar_density_image_individual_0.png up to a number determined at run time. If "capture_stdout" is True, then the standard output of this script will be captured and displayed at the top of the webpage. It is suggested that the script prints valid HTML.

Within the script, the ScriptArgumentParser must be used, as follows:

from scrunner import ScriptArgumentParser
arguments = ScriptArgumentParser()

The arguments instance will then take a number of command-line arguments, as follows:

usage: [-h] -d [DATA ...] -o OUTPUT_DIRECTORY -f FILE_TYPE -n
                      NUMBER_OF_FIGURES [-s STYLESHEET]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d [DATA ...], --data [DATA ...]
                        Data input files. Example: test_0.hdf5 test_1.hdf5
                        Output directory for the produced figures.
  -f FILE_TYPE, --file-type FILE_TYPE
                        File type (extension) for the output files
  -n NUMBER_OF_FIGURES, --number-of-figures NUMBER_OF_FIGURES
                        Number of figures to create with this script.
  -s STYLESHEET, --stylesheet STYLESHEET
                        Matplotlib stylesheet to use

These should be accessed and used within the script in the folowing ways:


The data argument will be a list of data paths, received from the main script runner (see later). These will be given in the same order to all scripts.
>>> [PosixPath("./DataFileOne.hdf5"), PosixPath("./DataFileTwo.hdf5")]

Number of Figures

The number of figures is simply an integer describing the number of figures that plots tagged with "multi_output": "true" should output. The webpage will expect this many figures.

>>> 5

Matplotlib Stylesheet

To ensure a consistent stylesheet across your output figures, it is highly recommended that you use the stylesheet argument in your script:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Saving Figures

There are two arguments that the script argument parser takes, output_directory, and file_type. It's recommended that, instead of using these yourself, you use the provided get_filename_for_output method:

>>> PosixPath("output_path/stellar_density_image.png")

>>> PosixPath("output_path/stellar_density_image_individual_3.png")

Not providing the output_number argument provides the file path for a non-multi-output figure.

Ancillary outputs should make use of the arguments.output_directory to save to the correct location.

Running Scripts

Running a collection of scripts is as simple as placing them all in the same directory, and using the command-line tool scrun:

scrun \
  -d data_file_one.csv data_file_two.csv \
  -p /home/josh/scripts_to_run \
  -o ./my_outputs/output_7 \
  -f png \
  -n 3 \
  -s /home/josh/stylesheet.mplstyle

Where all of these will be passed as expected through to the scripts, except for -r which is the directory containing all scripts to run.

In your output folder, which will be created if it does not exist, you will find an index.html file, which provides a summary of your outputs.

On completion, scrun will print:

Successfully completed 2 scripts
There were 0 failures
There were 0 scripts that raised warnings

and individual stdout and stderr from your scripts, if they raise a warning or fail.


Script runner







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