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Irmagon authored Dec 13, 2024
1 parent 02d407e commit 20db5e8
Showing 1 changed file with 123 additions and 5 deletions.
128 changes: 123 additions & 5 deletions HeroWarsHelper.user.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
// @name:en HeroWarsHelper
// @name:ru HeroWarsHelper
// @namespace HeroWarsHelper
// @version 2.307
// @version 2.309
// @description Automation of actions for the game Hero Wars
// @description:en Automation of actions for the game Hero Wars
// @description:ru Автоматизация действий для игры Хроники Хаоса
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -556,6 +556,7 @@ const i18nLangData = {
GOLD_RECEIVED: 'Gold received: {gold}',
OPEN_ALL_EQUIP_BOXES: 'Open all Equipment Fragment Box?',
SERVER_NOT_ACCEPT: 'The server did not accept the result',
INVASION_BOSS_BUFF: 'For {bossLvl} boss need buff {needBuff} you have {haveBuff}}',
ru: {
/* Чекбоксы */
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -914,6 +915,7 @@ const i18nLangData = {
GOLD_RECEIVED: 'Получено золота: {gold}',
OPEN_ALL_EQUIP_BOXES: 'Открыть все ящики фрагментов экипировки?',
SERVER_NOT_ACCEPT: 'Сервер не принял результат',
INVASION_BOSS_BUFF: 'Для {bossLvl} босса нужен баф {needBuff} у вас {haveBuff}',

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1063,7 +1065,7 @@ const checkboxes = {
label: I18N('SHOW_ERRORS'),
cbox: null,
default: true,
default: false,
buyForGold: {
label: I18N('BUY_FOR_GOLD'),
Expand All @@ -1081,7 +1083,7 @@ const checkboxes = {
label: I18N('FAST_SEASON'),
cbox: null,
default: false,
default: true,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1471,6 +1473,40 @@ let lastBattleArg = {}
let lastBossBattleStart = null;
this.addBattleTimer = 4;
this.invasionTimer = 2500;
const invasionInfo = {
buff: 0,
bossLvl: 130,
const invasionDataPacks = {
130: { buff: 0, pet: 6004, heroes: [58, 48, 16, 65, 59], favor: { 16: 6004, 48: 6001, 58: 6002, 59: 6005, 65: 6000 } },
140: { buff: 0, pet: 6006, heroes: [1, 4, 13, 58, 65], favor: { 1: 6001, 4: 6006, 13: 6002, 58: 6005, 65: 6000 } },
150: { buff: 0, pet: 6006, heroes: [1, 12, 17, 21, 65], favor: { 1: 6001, 12: 6003, 17: 6006, 21: 6002, 65: 6000 } },
160: { buff: 0, pet: 6008, heroes: [12, 21, 34, 58, 65], favor: { 12: 6003, 21: 6006, 34: 6008, 58: 6002, 65: 6001 } },
170: { buff: 0, pet: 6005, heroes: [33, 12, 65, 21, 4], favor: { 4: 6001, 12: 6003, 21: 6006, 33: 6008, 65: 6000 } },
180: { buff: 20, pet: 6009, heroes: [58, 13, 5, 17, 65], favor: { 5: 6006, 13: 6003, 58: 6005 } },
190: { buff: 0, pet: 6006, heroes: [1, 12, 21, 36, 65], favor: { 1: 6004, 12: 6003, 21: 6006, 36: 6005, 65: 6000 } },
200: { buff: 0, pet: 6006, heroes: [12, 1, 13, 2, 65], favor: { 2: 6001, 12: 6003, 13: 6006, 65: 6000 } },
210: { buff: 15, pet: 6005, heroes: [12, 21, 33, 58, 65], favor: { 12: 6003, 21: 6006, 33: 6008, 58: 6005, 65: 6001 } },
220: { buff: 5, pet: 6006, heroes: [58, 13, 7, 34, 65], favor: { 7: 6002, 13: 6008, 34: 6006, 58: 6005, 65: 6001 } },
230: { buff: 35, pet: 6005, heroes: [5, 7, 13, 58, 65], favor: { 5: 6006, 7: 6003, 13: 6002, 58: 6005, 65: 6000 } },
240: { buff: 0, pet: 6005, heroes: [12, 58, 1, 36, 65], favor: { 1: 6006, 12: 6003, 36: 6005, 65: 6001 } },
250: { buff: 15, pet: 6005, heroes: [12, 36, 4, 16, 65], favor: { 12: 6003, 16: 6004, 36: 6005, 65: 6001 } },
260: { buff: 15, pet: 6005, heroes: [48, 12, 36, 65, 4], favor: { 4: 6006, 12: 6003, 36: 6005, 48: 6000, 65: 6007 } },
270: { buff: 35, pet: 6005, heroes: [12, 58, 36, 4, 65], favor: { 4: 6006, 12: 6003, 36: 6005 } },
280: { buff: 80, pet: 6005, heroes: [21, 36, 48, 7, 65], favor: { 7: 6003, 21: 6006, 36: 6005, 48: 6001, 65: 6000 } },
290: { buff: 95, pet: 6008, heroes: [12, 21, 36, 35, 65], favor: { 12: 6003, 21: 6006, 36: 6005, 65: 6007 } },
300: { buff: 25, pet: 6005, heroes: [12, 13, 4, 34, 65], favor: { 4: 6006, 12: 6003, 13: 6007, 34: 6002 } },
310: { buff: 45, pet: 6005, heroes: [12, 21, 58, 33, 65], favor: { 12: 6003, 21: 6006, 33: 6002, 58: 6005, 65: 6007 } },
320: { buff: 70, pet: 6005, heroes: [12, 48, 2, 6, 65], favor: { 6: 6005, 12: 6003 } },
330: { buff: 70, pet: 6005, heroes: [12, 21, 36, 5, 65], favor: { 5: 6002, 12: 6003, 21: 6006, 36: 6005, 65: 6000 } },
340: { buff: 55, pet: 6009, heroes: [12, 36, 13, 6, 65], favor: { 6: 6005, 12: 6003, 13: 6002, 36: 6006, 65: 6000 } },
350: { buff: 100, pet: 6005, heroes: [12, 21, 58, 34, 65], favor: { 12: 6003, 21: 6006, 58: 6005 } },
360: { buff: 85, pet: 6007, heroes: [12, 21, 36, 4, 65], favor: { 4: 6006, 12: 6003, 21: 6002, 36: 6005 } },
370: { buff: 90, pet: 6008, heroes: [12, 21, 36, 13, 65], favor: { 12: 6003, 13: 6007, 21: 6006, 36: 6005, 65: 6001 } },
380: { buff: 165, pet: 6005, heroes: [12, 33, 36, 4, 65], favor: { 4: 6001, 12: 6003, 33: 6006 } },
390: { buff: 235, pet: 6005, heroes: [21, 58, 48, 2, 65], favor: { 2: 6005, 21: 6002 } },
400: { buff: 125, pet: 6006, heroes: [12, 21, 36, 48, 65], favor: { 12: 6003, 21: 6006, 36: 6005, 48: 6001, 65: 6007 } },
* The name of the function of the beginning of the battle
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2387,6 +2423,24 @@ async function checkChangeSend(sourceData, tempData) {
this.massOpen = call.args.libId;
if ( == 'invasion_bossStart' && isChecked('tryFixIt_v2') && == 217) {
const pack = invasionDataPacks[invasionInfo.bossLvl];
if (pack.buff != invasionInfo.buff) {
bossLvl: invasionInfo.bossLvl,
needBuff: pack.buff,
haveBuff: invasionInfo.buff,
} else { =;
call.args.heroes = pack.heroes;
call.args.favor = pack.favor;
changeRequest = true;
* Changing the maximum number of raids in the campaign
* Изменение максимального количества рейдов в кампании
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2976,6 +3030,40 @@ async function checkChangeResponse(response) {
addProgress('<br>Server > ' + I18N('BOSS_DAMAGE') + damage.toLocaleString());
if (call.ident == callsIdent['invasion_getInfo']) {
const r = call.result.response;
const boss = r.actions.find((e) => === 217);
invasionInfo.buff = r.buffAmount;
invasionInfo.bossLvl = boss.payload.level;
if (isChecked('tryFixIt_v2')) {
const pack = invasionDataPacks[invasionInfo.bossLvl];
bossLvl: invasionInfo.bossLvl,
needBuff: pack.buff,
haveBuff: invasionInfo.buff
if (call.ident == callsIdent['workshopBuff_create']) {
const r = call.result.response;
if ( == 1) {
invasionInfo.buff = r.amount;
if (isChecked('tryFixIt_v2')) {
const pack = invasionDataPacks[invasionInfo.bossLvl];
bossLvl: invasionInfo.bossLvl,
needBuff: pack.buff,
haveBuff: invasionInfo.buff,
if (call.ident == callsIdent['chatGetAll'] && call.args.chatType == 'clanDomination' && !callsIdent['clanDomination_mapState']) {
this.onReadySuccess = async function () {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4789,6 +4877,9 @@ function executeDungeon(resolve, reject) {

titansStates = {};

let talentMsg = '';
let talentMsgReward = '';

callsExecuteDungeon = {
calls: [{
name: "dungeonGetInfo",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4908,8 +4999,9 @@ function executeDungeon(resolve, reject) {
// console.log(dungeonInfo, dungeonActivity);
setProgress(`${I18N('DUNGEON')}: ${I18N('TITANIT')} ${dungeonActivity}/${maxDungeonActivity}`);
setProgress(`${I18N('DUNGEON')}: ${I18N('TITANIT')} ${dungeonActivity}/${maxDungeonActivity} ${talentMsg}`);
if (dungeonActivity >= maxDungeonActivity) {
endDungeon('endDungeon', 'maxActive ' + dungeonActivity + '/' + maxDungeonActivity);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4957,6 +5049,32 @@ function executeDungeon(resolve, reject) {

async function checkTalent(dungeonInfo) {
const talent = dungeonInfo.talent;
if (!talent) {
const dungeonFloor = +dungeonInfo.floorNumber;
const talentFloor = +talent.floorRandValue;
let doorsAmount = 3 - talent.conditions.doorsAmount;

if (dungeonFloor === talentFloor && (!doorsAmount || !talent.conditions?.farmedDoors[dungeonFloor])) {
const reward = await Send({
calls: [
{ name: 'heroTalent_getReward', args: { talentType: 'tmntDungeonTalent', reroll: false }, ident: 'group_0_body' },
{ name: 'heroTalent_farmReward', args: { talentType: 'tmntDungeonTalent' }, ident: 'group_1_body' },
}).then((e) => e.results[0].result.response);
const type = Object.keys(reward).pop();
const itemId = Object.keys(reward[type]).pop();
const count = reward[type][itemId];
const itemName = cheats.translate(`LIB_${type.toUpperCase()}_NAME_${itemId}`);
talentMsgReward += `<br> ${count} ${itemName}`;
talentMsg = `<br>TMNT Talent: ${doorsAmount}/3 ${talentMsgReward}<br>`;

function processingPromises(results) {
let selectBattle = results[0];
if (results.length < 2) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5049,7 +5167,7 @@ function executeDungeon(resolve, reject) {
} else {
const timer = getTimer(battleInfo.battleTime);
await countdownTimer(timer, `${I18N('DUNGEON')}: ${I18N('TITANIT')} ${dungeonActivity}/${maxDungeonActivity}`);
await countdownTimer(timer, `${I18N('DUNGEON')}: ${I18N('TITANIT')} ${dungeonActivity}/${maxDungeonActivity} ${talentMsg}`);
const calls = [{
name: "dungeonEndBattle",
Expand Down

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