This is a plugin for integrating Lyrion Music Server (LMS) with Beets.
Currently it implements a listener to trigger a library rescan on import. You can also manually trigger a rescan or check the rescan status.
pip install git+
Add beets-lms
to your list of plugins in your configfile:
plugins: beets-lms
Configure the hostname or ip address for your LMS server:
All available options (and their defaults):
host: localhost
port: "9000" # Must be a string
secure: False # HTTPS is untested
library_root: "/music" # Where your library is mounted on your LMS server
listener_method: full # `full` runs a full scan after every import, `path` is less tested
listener to trigger rescan on importlmsstatus
subcommand to check scanning statuslmsrescan
subcommand to manually trigger rescanlmspathscan
subcommand to manually trigger a rescan on a path
me@compy:~$ beet lmsstatus
beets-lms: LMS not currently scanning
me@compy:~$ beet lmsrescan
beets-lms: LMS library rescan triggered.
me@compy:~$ beet lmsstatus
beets-lms: LMS Library scan in progress