- Use Azure Cognitive Service for Language with the OpenXML SDK
- Prerequisites
- Get Started
- Follow the Tutorial
- Working Sample
- Next steps
In this repo there is a sample console app that uses the OpenXML SDK and Azure Cognitive Service for Language with tutorial modules showing how to write the code to open a Word document, examine its contents for PII and save a copy with the PII redacted.
- Visual Studio (community edition is OK)
- .NET 6.0
- git command line tools
- Word Processing app that can open .docx files such as LibreOffice or Word
Clone this repository to your local system.
git clone https://github.com/InteropEvents/DocumentAnalyzer.git
Pro tip: Clone the repo low in your folder hierarchy to avoid path length issues e.g.
Create an Azure account and Language Services resource and copy the API key and endpoint by following the steps in the setup document.
If you already have a API key and endpoint provided to you, skip this step.
Now that you have cloned the repo and have your API key and endpoint, you're ready to create your application.
First follow this document to create your console application with Visual Studio.
Next install the the dependencies with this document.
Then follow this document to write the application code.
For a working example of this app:
Clone this repo
with Visual Studio -
Replace the placeholders for the API key, endpoint, and file path in
Tutorials for the Open XML SDK are available on docs.microsoft.
Example apps are also available.
Contribute to the project on the OpenXML SDK repo
The documentation for Azure Cognitive Services for Language is available at docs.microsoft.
Sample code for C#, Java, JavaScript, and Python are also available at docs.microsoft.