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Reinforcement Learning

This repository has the Reinforcement Learning subject material.


  • 2025/1 - Fabrício Barth
  • 2024/1 - Fabrício Barth
  • 2023/1 - Fabrício Barth
  • 2022/2 - Fabrício Barth

How to setup the environment

python3.10 -m virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

How to compile slides using Markdown with beamer

pandoc -t beamer -o slides.pdf

How to compile slides using only LaTeX

There are some slides in this project that I made using only LaTeX with Beamer. In this case, I use the TexStudio editor to edit and compile it.

How to deploy the web page

mkdocs gh-deploy

How to run the web server locally

mkdocs serve

How to publish the lessons plan
