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Ingo Clemens edited this page Sep 5, 2024 · 2 revisions


The toolset includes two tools for smoothing and transferring skin weights between influences in Autodesk Maya.


brSmoothWeights replaces the former smoothSkinClusterWeight tool. SmoothSkinClusterWeight was based on tf_smoothSkin by Tom Ferstl and added a better performance, maintaining the maximum number of influences and undo support.

brSmoothWeights has been completely rewritten and comes with it's own paint tool which provides a better performance throughout. Adusting the size and strength reflects the behaviour of the default Maya sculpt tools. The tool is now multi-threaded and with large speed improvements. A new selection mode streamlines fast vertex selection without having to switch tools. Use this to constrain the smoothing to a certain area or to keep the vertices from being smoothed. A valuable addition is the smoothing depth option. With this feature it's possible to smooth the front and back side of the mesh without having to rotate the model. The smoothing can even be applied to posed meshes with overlapping geometry. By default brSmoothWeights smoothes across shell boundaries to maintain the integrity of the mesh when deformed. This feature takes away a bit of the overall smoothing performance but shouldn't be noticable with regular meshes. If you are working with high resolution single-shell meshes it's still possible to disable this option to improve the speed. In addition the new volume-based smoothing allows to smooth across several discontinuous shells whereas the default smoothing is surface based. Volume smoothing should be handled with care as it can easily introduce weights in areas which shouldn't be affected. The brush display is customizable as well as the help information.

Feature overview on YouTube: brSmoothWeights


brTransferWeights is a complementary tool for skin weight editing which allows to easily transfer skin cluster weights from one influence to another either by painting or by setting absolute weights. The direction of the transfer can also be quickly reversed. By default the weights from the source influence are added to the destination influence but can also completely replace the previous values.

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