This is the second, third, or maybe fourteenth, attempt at creating a voxel-based sandbox game with vertical chunks. Side note I do hope I can flesh this out into a game and maybe take it to market, but to be realistic I doubt this will ever make it to or steam. I am making this game as a learning experience and to have fun. I work full time and often game with friends, so I don't have a lot of time to work on this project. I will try to work on this project as much as I can, but I can't make any promises. Mainly hoping to fix my mistakes and getting this project up and running.
This voxel based game is a sandbox game where you can build, explore, and survive. It will have tech and magic aimed to really let people let loose and build, automate, dabble and explore. With possible space exploration and other dimension. And if thats not enough, I hope to add modding support so people can add their own content and share it with others.
- Java Development Kit (JDK) 21
- AMD Ryzen 9 7950x
- 96GB of RAM
- Nvidia RTX 3060
- Windows 11
- IntelliJ IDEA
- (Yes, I know I have a lot of RAM, I do a lot of video editing and 3D modeling (And this game is a RAM hog for some reason (I think it's the chunk loading (if not I have no idea))))
- Infinite world generation
- Vertical chunk loading
- Voxel-based terrain
- Unbounded world height
- Json-based model configuration (Needs more work)
- Might catch on fire if you look at it wrong
- Probably won't crash your computer
- Might crash your computer
- Will crash your computer
- Will crash your computer and delete all your files (Not really, but it would be funny)
- More efficient chunk loading
- More efficient rendering
- More efficient everything
- Better world generation
- Inventory system
- Crafting system
- Saving and loading
- Multiplayer
- Modding support
- Sound
- Music
- Settings
- Pause menu
- Better UI
- In-game console -- Console commands
- Resource Pack support
- Better model loading
- Better model rendering
- Entity system
- A real player
- better lighting
- Physics
- The game is slow
- Loading chunks is slow
- Rendering is slow
- Everything is slow
- Is a dumpster fire for performance
- Grass blocks will sometimes not render correctly IE they will render as dirt
- Java Development Kit (JDK) 21 or higher
- Gradle
- A suitable IDE (e.g., IntelliJ IDEA)
This is where I leave you to figure it out. I will try to make a wiki or something to help you out. But for now, you are on your own. Good luck.
IE just see what your IDE can do for you. I use IntelliJ IDEA and it has a lot of features that can help you get started, and might have all the running configs if its included for you.