Powershell script intended for checking Windows Server hosts for hotfixes and updates published for Hyper-V and Failover Cluster rule in Windows Server 2012
First version of the script was published at 24 May 2013 by Cristian Edwards on his blogs
next some improvements was added by [someone] and published at 26-06-2013 on this site
next Niklas Akerlund at 28-06-2013 on his webpage published improved version
Please update if some contributions on this list are missed.
Sources for updates and hotfixes
Update List for Windows Server 2012 for Hyper-V are published here
Recommended hotfixes and updates for Windows Server 2012-based Failover Clusters are published here
Script use xml files UpdatesListCluster.xml and UpdatesListHyperV.xml that are stored in folder with script. Initial release of this script and xml files is based on download at 2013-11-08 from Niklas Akerlund site.
Updates to UpdatesListCluster.xml 2013-11-17 - added KB2894464 2013-12-12 - added KB2894032,KB2903938,KB2908415,KB2779069,KB2905249 2014-01-11 - added KB2878635, removed KB2870270,KB2869923,KB2908415 2014-01-19 - added KB2911101 2014-02-05 - added KB2784261 2014-02-27 - added KB2881151, KB2919393
Updates to UpdatesListHyperV.xml 2013-11-17 - added KB2894032 2013-12-12 - added KB2894032,KB2902014,KB2894485 2014-01-11 - added KB2902821 2014-01-19 - added KB2916993,KB2913695,KB2913461,KB2901237 2014-02-27 - added KB2756872 2014-03-24 - added KB2901896,KB2929869,KB2929078
- checking github website for updated xlm files and downloading it locally
- checking local folder or remote share for previously downloaded hotfixes and download only missed (MD5/SHA1 sum needed ?)
- add decompress option for downloaded hotfixes
- output report to file / with diferent format support
- add support for another systems and roles e.g. file services
- add test based on operating system version
Some ideas implemented in Unstable branch