Below is the list of assignments and ungraded labs course-wise. I have also included the links to the solutions of the assignments. In the case of html files, the links are to the github page that will execute the code. In the case of jupyter notebooks, the links are to an nbviewer page that will render it in html. You can also execute the jupyter notebooks in colab or binder on the nbviewer page.
- TFDS with Rock, Paper and Scissors (C3_W1_Assignment.ipynb)
- TFDS Hellow World (C3_W1_Lab_1_tfds_hello_world.ipynb)
- Horses or Humans (C3_W1_Lab_2_horses_or_humans.ipynb)
- Transfer Learning and Splits API (C3_W2_Assignment.ipynb)
- Exploring the Splits API (C3_W2_Lab_1_splits_api.ipynb)
- TFRecords (C3_W2_Lab_2_tfrecords.ipynb)
- Classify Structured Data (C3_W3_Assignment.ipynb)
- Classify structured data with feature columns (C3_W3_Lab_1_feature_columns.ipynb)
- Build TensorFlow input pipelines (C3_W3_Lab_2_data.ipynb)
- Load CSV data (C3_W3_Lab_3_csv.ipynb)
- Parallelization with TFDS (C3_W4_A1_Assignment.ipynb)
- Adding a Dataset of your Own to TFDS (C3_W4_A2_Assignment_Optional.ipynb and C3_W4_A2_Assignment_Optional_Solution.ipynb)
- Train Your Own Model and Serve It With TensorFlow Serving (C4_W1_Assignment.ipynb and C4_W1_Assignment_Solution.ipynb )
- Getting Started with TensorFlow Serving (C4_W1_Lab_1_tfserving_hello_world.ipynb)
- Train and serve a TensorFlow model with TensorFlow Serving (C4_W1_Lab_2_Train_and_serve_a_TensorFlow_model_with_TensorFlow_Serving.ipynb)
- Exporting an MNIST Classifier in SavedModel Format (C4_W2_Assignment.ipynb)
- Getting Started with TensorFlow Hub (C4_W2_Lab_1_tfhub_basic_examples.ipynb)
- Text Classification (C4_W2_Lab_2_text_classification.ipynb)
- Transfer Learning with TensorFlow Hub (C4_W2_Lab_3_transfer_learning.ipynb)
- TensorBoard with Fashion MNIST (C4_W3_Assignment.ipynb)
- Displaying image data in TensorBoard (C4_W3_Lab_1_image_summaries.ipynb)
- Custom Federated Algorithms, Part 1: Introduction to the Federated Core (C4_W4_Lab_1_custom_federated_algorithms.ipynb)