LIVR specification contains the most common rules that every implementation should support.
The module contains extra rules for JavaScript LIVR. It is absolutely ok for LIVR to have your own custom rules in your project. But there are some rules that are useful cross projects.
Moreover, LIVR itself and this module have zero dependecies. It means:
- Lighter builds
- Easier to maintain high level of security
npm install --save livr livr-extra-rules
import LIVR from livr;
import extraRules from 'livr-extra-rules';
- ipv4
- boolean
- credit_card
- uuid
- mongo_id
- list_length
- list_items_unique
- base64
- md5
- iso_date (extended version)
- required_if
- is
field: 'ipv4';
Error code: 'NOT_IP'
Checks that the value is true or false
- True values:
- False values:
String values (except empty string) will force error "NOT_BOOLEAN".
Return value will converted to JavaScript boolean values - true
or false
field: 'boolean';
Error code: 'NOT_BOOLEAN'
Сhecks the presence of the value and its correspondence to the specified value
field: { 'is': 'some value' }
Checks that the value is a credit card number with Lunh Algorithm
field: 'credit_card';
field1: 'uuid', // default v4
field2: {uuid: 'v1'},
field3: {uuid: 'v2'},
field4: {uuid: 'v3'},
field5: {uuid: 'v4'},
field6: {uuid: 'v5'}
Error code: 'NOT_UUID'
Checks that the value looks like mongo object id
field: 'mongo_id',
Error code: 'NOT_ID'
Checks that the value is a list and it contains required number of elements. You can pass exact number of elements required or a range.
Do not forget about "required" rule if you want the field to be required.
list1: ['required', { list_length: 10 }]; // List is required and should contain exactly 10 items,
list2: {
list_length: 10;
} // List is not required but if it is present, it should contain exactly 10 items
list3: {
list_length: [3, 10];
} // List is not required but if it is present, it should has from 3 to 10 items
Checks that items in list are unique. if the value is not an array, the rule will return "FORMAT_ERROR". The rule will check string representations of the values and supports only primitive values. if the value is not primitive (array, object) then the rule will return 'INCOMPARABLE_ITEMS'
list: 'list_items_unique';
Checks that the value is a base64 string
field1: 'base64'; // by default, padding is required
field2: {
base64: 'relaxed';
} // padding is optional
Error code: 'MALFORMED_BASE64'
Checks the value is a md5 hash string
field: 'md5';
Error code: 'NOT_MD5'
This rule is compatible with the standard "iso_date" rule (and will redefine it) but allows you to pass extra params - "min" and "max" dates.
There are special dates: "current", "yesterday", "tomorrow". You can use them if you want to check that passed date is in the future or in the past.
date1: "iso_date",
date2: { "iso_date": {min: "2017-10-15"} },
date3: { "iso_date": {max: "2017-10-30"} },
date4: { "iso_date": {min: "2017-10-15T15:30Z", max: "2017-10-30", format: "datetime"} },
date5: { "iso_date": {min: "current", max: "tomorrow"} },
date6: { "iso_date": {format: "datetime"} },
Supported options:
- "min" - can be iso8601 date, iso 8601 datetime, "current", "tomorrow", "yesterday".
- "max" - can be iso8601 date, iso 8601 datetime, "current", "tomorrow", "yesterday".
- "format" - can be "date", "datetime". (default "date")
If you pass only date (without time) to "min" or "max" and expected format of user's input is "datetime" then:
- "min" starts from the beginning of min date.
- "max" ends at the end of the max date.
If you pass the time along with the date, then you need to specify the time zone.
Checks that the value is present if another field is present and has value.
Simple example:
sendMeEmails: { one_of: [0, 1] },
email: { 'required_if': { sendMeEmails: '1' } }
Example with JSON pointer:
address: {nested_object: {
city: 'required',
street: 'required'
email: { 'required_if': { 'address/city': 'Kyiv' } }
You cannot access parent fields with JSON pointers here, only siblings and nested values.
Error code: 'REQUIRED'
if you want to add own rule, you will need:
- Create a new file for the rule in src/rules (see existing rules)
- Add rule to src/index.js
- Add positive tests to tests/test_suite/positive/your_rule_name/ (see existing tests)
- Add negative tests to tests/test_suite/negative/your_rule_name/ (see existing tests)
- Update this README!