A currency converter built with React and Vite, using the exchangerate-api.com API to fetch real-time exchange rates. The application allows users to convert values between different currencies with performance optimizations, including Lazy Loading for faster load times 🚀.
The application is available at the following link:
🔗 Currency Converter - Netlify
- Currency Conversion: Users can select a source currency, a target currency, enter a value to convert, and click the "Convert" button to see the conversion calculation.
- Real-time Updates: Exchange rates are updated daily to ensure accurate values.
- Conversion History: Users can view the last five conversions performed during the session by clicking the history button.
- Night Mode: Users can toggle the page theme to dark mode by clicking the Moon icon 🌙.
- React & Vite: The application was built with React, using Vite to optimize the build process.
- Exchange Rates API: The application uses the public API from exchangerate-api.com to fetch real-time exchange rates.
- Cache Storage: Implemented a mechanism to store exchange rates locally using
, updating them daily. - Performance and Build Size:
- The application is optimized for production.
- Lazy Loading: Lazy loading is used for non-essential modules to improve load performance.
- Styling and Interactivity: The application is styled using styled-components.
- src/components: Contains the application's main components (e.g., forms, buttons, history).
- src/context: Contains the global context for state management and updates.
- src/services: Contains the services for integration with the exchange rates API.
- src/styles: Contains the styling files, utilizing
- React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- Vite: A fast bundling and build tool for development.
- Axios: HTTP client to make requests to the exchange rates API.
- styled-components: For styling the application's components.
- exchangerate-api.com: Exchange rates API to fetch real-time information.
Project developed by Igor Moura.