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@github-actions github-actions released this 05 Aug 20:40
· 119 commits to master since this release

New Features

  • Matching brackets are highlighted.
  • Closing brackets are automatically inserted in a sytnax aware way when an opening bracket is typed.
  • It is now possible to set an auto-indentation mode if desired - Normal for simply maintaining the previous line's indentation, or Smart which will automatically increase or decrease indentation based on the relevant Typst syntax mode.
  • Home and Shift+Home keys now work as is typical in code editors and will skip over initial indentation.
  • Added a compilation status indicator in the status bar.
  • The preview pane can be undocked into a floating window.


  • Fixed the editor scroll position jerking when saving a document with a modeline.
  • Fixed UI freeze when indenting or unindenting the last line.
  • Horizonal scroll position of the preview pane is maintained when preview is updated.
  • If a word is added to the personal dictionary, all other instances of it are also not marked as spelling errors.
  • Fixed Windows-style text direction toggle keys to work under recent KDE version.

Other Changes

  • AppImage build no longer accepts the --portable command line flag, since it doesn't actually work. Use the AppImageKit provided mechanism (--appimage-portable-home) if needed.