This repository is deprecated. For RBR data processing please use
A python file containing code to process RBR data from a raw .rsk file
A Jupyter Notebook to call the functions, edit as neeeded, and save the processing steps for each cruise.
Example csv files to use along with the code.
Read in the raw rsk files.
Merge files.
Create metadata dictionary.
Add 6 line header to make a csv to store with the archived data.
Plot track location.
Check for Zero Order Holds.
Check profile plots for spikes.
Make first corrections based on user input for zero order holds and need for despiking.
Create cast variables and format processing plots.
Correct time if needed.
Correct Pressure if needed.
Clip casts.
Filter T, C, P, F.
Shift C, O.
Delete PRessure Reversals.
Drop Variables that are no longer needed.
Bin Average.
Final Edit.
Write File.
The raw rsk file.
Hakai Institute Oxygen conversion package