This is a solution to the Interactive rating component challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
Users should be able to:
- View the optimal layout for the app depending on their device's screen size
- See hover states for all interactive elements on the page
- Select and submit a number rating
- See the "Thank you" card state after submitting a rating
The demo image shows the 4 being selected (light grey color) and the 5 being hovered (primary orange color)
I took a look at the design mock ups and determined everything would be contained within a centered card component. From there I added the skeleton HTML to each of the states, and hid the thank-you state while I worked on styling the rating-state. First thing first- I added the modern CSS reset that I always use along with the font import and color variables.
I gave myself a basic border on the card so I could see what I was working within and went about setting up my flex containers. Next I added the star and numbers, gave them all the same round-container css component. Once these elements wer in place I added the radial gradient background to the card and removed my preview border.
I wanted the elements to be tabbable so I added the option by adding tabindex to the elements tabbable elements. I used the aria-selected attribute to track which element was selected and used that for styling. I added event listeners to the ratings so they could be clicked or space/entered to set the rating which was stored in a variable. If a number is clicked, all others are reset to aria-selected="false". This variable by default is 0, and if the rating is not > 0 then the submit button won't work.
Next I added the state change, an event listener that will grab the current rating and hide the rating state and show the thank you state. I realized I had used the card element twice, once for each state. It made more sense to have both states contained within one card, and so I made some changes to the card's behavior from there.
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- CSS custom properties
- Flexbox
- Vanilla JS
If you need to add tab access to elements, use the tabindex="0" attribute.
For some strange reason, default tab-access is disabled in safari. To enable it, check "Preferences > Advanced > Press tab to highlight each item on a page"
class="round-container rating-number"
To add a radial-background, use the background property (not background-color). You can set the placement, followed by color and where that color reaches it's peak as well as other attributes.
.rating-card {
background: radial-gradient(
circle at top,
hsl(219, 23%, 19%) 0,
var(--clr-veryDarkBlue) 110%
I picked up this project to spend some time working with vanilla JS. I plan to do more this way as I improve my front end JS skills. This project wasn't difficult, just took some time. I plan to do more projects with vanilla JS and get more practice with DOM manipulation outside of a framework like React which I have been using for a while.
- MDN CSS radial-gradient() - This helped with adding my radial gradient background
- Team Treehouse JS Forum - This helped with adding keypress to my rating buttons
- Key.js - This helped determine keycodes
- Website - Thom Zolghadr
- Frontend Mentor - @IB21-A
- Twitter - @Thom_codes