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Dealscover London logo

About The Project

Our aim is to make London accessible to everyone, regardless of their budget.

We created a full stack application to filter events by specific categories such as sports, music, festivals, food, and much more.

This makes it easier for our users to find events that cater to their interests and preferences.


This application was built using a MERN stack with React-app. Core features include:

● Data Fetching API's using Axios

● Form Handelling

● User Authentication with JsonWebToken

● State Management

● User Searches and Filters

MongoDB NodeJS Express.js JWT NPM

React Bootstrap CSS3HTML5

Getting Started

Clone this repository:

git clone HusnainRashid/london-on-a-budget

Install the dependencies for the server:

cd london-on-a-budget/server && npm install

Install the dependencies for the client:

cd london-on-a-budget/client && npm install

Add your your MongoDB connection string to the server/bin/www directory:


Start the server

london-on-a-budget git:(main) cd server server git:(main) JWT_SECRET=SUPER_SECRET npm start

Start the client

london-on-a-budget git:(main) cd client client git:(main) npm start

Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.

Running Tests:

npm test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.

cypress Jest


Canva Figma

  • Monday
  • Slack
  • GitLens
  • Adobe Logo Creator


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