Getting ready:
- Create an account on github (for help with github, see
- One person on your team should fork this repository:
- Add your team members as collaborators on your repository:
- Clone your new repository to your local machine so you can work on it
Complete the program:
- Comment and uncomment tickets and trains to try your program on a subset of trains and tickets
- Write the find_path function
- Add a function to print your trains and your tickets nicely formatted
- Call these functions to print the input data right before you print the resulting score
Turn in your project! Send me an email with:
- A link to your repository
- The members of your team
- Output from a run of your program with sample data of your choice (but non-trivial)
Git commands you will need:
- git status -- shows you what has changed since your last commit
- git add * -- adds changed files to your next commit
- git commit -m "commit message" -- commits your changes and adds a nice descriptive message
- git push origin master -- sends your committed changes to the repository on github
- git pull -- updates your local copy of the repository with changes people have sent to github
There are lots of tutorials and guides available for git. Here's a simple one:
Don't worry about things like branching and tagging for this project.