Magand simple Molpro output parser to csv files
Python 3.0+
Configure your options in config.json file and/or use optional parameters in run arguments
Run: python
Optional parameters:
-i [--ifile=] input file from Molpro. Default value: read from config.json
-o [--ofolder=] output folder with parsed results. Default value: read from config.json
-c [--configtype=] config type used from config.json. Default value: default
Magand parser can extract results to csv file of:
- Spin-Orbit Matrix
- Spin-Orbit Matrixblock
- Eigenvectors
- Composition of spin-orbit eigenvectors
- Expectation values DMX
- Expectation values DMY
- Expectation values DMZ
Can group results to one file of matrix results or to separate rvec files
Can use multiple configurations in one file
- Extract result of one element
Feel free to use and modify