Create "apikey.txt" with your API KEY from in root.
You should write any application of your choosing to solve a problem that is of interest to you. The only requirement is that it should have a minimum number of lines of code (see below) and should be written using the Go programming language (you may use features in all versions up to and including the current version - 1.17 - but do not include features from the upcoming 1.18 version.) Your program should demonstrate knowledge of some (or all) of the topics discussed during the two week classwork portion of the block.
The application you write can cover any topic. It could be terminal based, GUI based, web based, or even mobile. It could be a game, a simple tool such as a calculator, or even a business application. The options are endless. If you wish to run your idea past the lecturer or get suggestions on how to solve a specific problem you’d like to tackle, feel free to consult with the lecturer. Alongside your application, you should write a document which explains the decisions taken while writing the application and how you tackled the task provided. This document is a casual submission, but should demonstrate (from reading) that you understand the code that you have written. You should not document the code line-by-line, but you could refer back to the code if so desired. Your written submission should also describe accurately what the problem is you are trying to solve.