Employee Management System
Submitted by: Maliha Hossain & Aileen Rosas
This web app: The Employee management system helps comapany manage thier employees
Due to time constraints, we were only able to implement a few UI features. To test the available functionality, you will need to manually insert data into some tables. Please follow the steps below to set up the project and run both the backend and frontend. Use the following script to generate data into the database
The following featues is completed:
- Add an Employee
- Edit an Employee
- view employee profile
- view attendance status in profile
- search employees by id, name, skills
- view managers & their employees
- assign project
- Deactivate/Activate an employee
- view list of projects
- view list of assigned projects
- view trainings
- assign training
- assign training
- show emoloyees on leave
- show employees who submiited leave request
- show number of leave request per employee
- show list of all roles and their employees
- show list of all departments and # of employees
- [ ]naviate to the backend directory cd EmployeeManagementBackend
- [ ]Ensure that you are conect to mysql database :
const db = mysql.createConnection({ host: "your database host", user : "your database user", password:'your database password if any', database:'Emp_Management', port: database port })
- on the terminal, intall npm -- npm install
- Install express : npm install express
- Install cors: npm install cors
- run the backend: npm start
- Navigate to the frontend directory cd EmployeeManagementSystem
- install dependencies npm install
- start the fontend server npm run dev
- Open your browser and navigate to the link displayed in the terminal to view the application
Here's a walkthrough of implemented features:
<iframe src="https://www.loom.com/embed/c4af225b232c4b978b911ff44bf50b5e?sid=986e90d6-8793-4eac-9233-111277ebc777" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;"></iframe>