This is a No.1 Android Based Note from HITSZ.
Please Check our vedio Intro Video Here
- With no Third party, you can totally control your own note.
- Login/register with traditional password
- Login/register with pattern
- Login with fingerprint
- Swipe Account Card to swith Account
- Add account in MainPage
- a little code
- Roation happens when you click the account card
- Draw a long line when you click expandable arrow
- recover deleted tally from recycle bin
- delete completely the tally in recycle bin
- sync data if you want to change a phone to use
- we use bluetooth to achieve that
- [picture loading] com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:4.11.0
- [change color with ripple effects] com.wuyr:rippleanimation:1.0.0
- [pattern lock] com.andrognito.patternlockview:patternlockview:1.0.0
- [lottie anim]
- [picker view] com.contrarywind:Android-PickerView:4.1.9
- [swipe left layout] com.daimajia.swipelayout:library:1.2.0@aar
- [expandable layout] net.cachapa.expandablelayout:expandablelayout:2.9.2
- [slide tab layout] com.flyco.tablayout:FlycoTabLayout_Lib:2.1.2@aar
- [vertical marqueeview] com.sunfusheng:marqueeview:1.3.3
- [expandable fab] com.nambimobile.widgets:expandable-fab:1.0.0
- [guide mask] com.github.huburt-Hu:NewbieGuide:v2.4.0
With our efforts, we've accomplished "HoitNote". Below is a href to our Demo
Check Intro Video Here
This is a middle millstone of HoitNote.
- Change A lot of UI
- Add Bluetooth part
- Add Tally part
- Change UI
- Implement ActivityAnalysis
- Add Chart & CI
- Accomplish FragmentSync
Check Protype Here
- Architecture
- Notice:
new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable(){
public void run() {
Intent mainIntent = new Intent(SplashActivity.this, SampleActivity.class);
}, Constants.delayDuration);
1.variable name: start with lower case, the Camel Style
- private boolean isEnabled;
- public int countStar;
2.class/Interface/... so on name: Camel Style
- public class Util{}
- public static class DataBaseHelper{}
- public interface IComman{}
Note: interface must start with "I", such as: IOnButtonClickEvent...
3.method name: start with lower case, the Camel Stayle
- public void onButtonClick(){}
- private int getRes()
4.comment style: Java style
*this is the command
* */
Note: In Android Studio, press "ctrl + Shift + /" to generate the comment style