Welcome to the official repository for STACK for ILIAS.
STACK is the world-leading open-source online assessment system for mathematics and STEM and the most powerful STEM learning tool available in ILIAS
Note STACK for ILIAS is from 01.06.2023 officially maintained on the SURLABS repository. Original ILIFAU repository has been archived, please change your git remote to the new one in order to keep using the plugin.
STACK requires PHP version 7.4 to work properly on your ILIAS platform
STACK requires the mbstring PHP library to run properly, this library is by default included in ILIAS, but please ensure your installation includes that library on the composer.json dependencies.
STACK requires Maxima, an Open-Source Computer Algebra System to work. Ensure you have Maxima instance installed on the web server running your ILIAS installation, or you have a Maxima Pool / Goemaxima connection before installing this plugin in your platform.
- If you are using a local Maxima Installation, ensure it is at least Maxima 5.45
- If you are using MaximaPool or GoeMaxima, the expected compiled version is 2021120900
STACK requires GNUPlot, which is used by Maxima to generate graphical plots of functions etc. It is freely available and part of most Linux distrubutions. GNUplot needs to be installed on the web server running your ILIAS and maxima installations.
STACK requires Mathjax, to be active on your ILIAS installation.
MathJax is an open source JavaScript display engine for mathematics. It is used by the STACK plugin to display maths in question, user input validation and feedback. It can either be linked from cdn.mathjax.org or downloaded to your own web server. It has to be configured in ILIAS:
- Administration > Third Party Software > MathJax
- Enable MathJax and enter the URL to MathJax (local or proposed cdn)
- Save
- Create subdirectories, if necessary for Customizing/global/plugins/Modules/TestQuestionPool/Questions/
- In Customizing/global/plugins/Modules/TestQuestionPool/Questions/ execute
git clone https://github.com/surlabs/STACK.git ./assStackQuestion
cd assStackQuestion
git checkout ilias7_stack2021
- STACK uses the ILIAS composer autoloader functionality so, after installing or update the plugin, ensure you run on the ILIAS root folder
composer du
Please ensure you don't ignore plugins on composer.json
- Go to Administration > Plugins
- Choose action "Install" or "Update" for the assStackQuestion plugin
- Choose action "Activate" for the assStackQuestion plugin
- Choose action "Refresh Languages" for the assStackQuestion plugin
- Choose action "Configure" for the assStackQuestion plugin
- Set the platform type and maxima servers according your installation
- Go to the tab "Health Check" and click "Do Health Check"
If you can see the 3 Plots being rendered at the end of the screen, the plugin has been properly installed
Please, repeat this sequence everytime you update STACK
- This plugin includes the STACK core classes developed by Chris Sangwin, with support of Matti Harjula and Tim Hunt for its Moodle question type plugin version 4.3.9 (2021).
- This plugin was developed by Jesús Copado with Fred Neumann's support at the University of Erlangen between 2014 and 2022
- This plugin is currently maintained by Jesús Copado through its Software development studio SURLABS
- Bug Reports: Mantis (Choose project "ILIAS plugins" and filter by category "STACK Question Type")
- SIG Mathe Forum
- Unit Tests are currently not available. Unit Tests created will remain in its current state until time for this at the moment non-extensive used feature has been fund and found.
- firstline syntax hint is not properly rendered in equivalence reasoning inputs.
- Check answer type is currently not evaluated
- Instant validation for textareas not working properly
- The stable version 7.0.x for ILIAS 7.13+ with the STACK Core version 4.3.9 can be found in the Github branch ilias7_stack2021
- The stable version 3.5 for ILIAS 7.13+ with the STACK Core version 4.2.2 can be found in the Github branch ilias7_stack2019 is on only security issues mode.
- The stable version 3.4.3 for ILIAS <= 7.12 with the STACK Core version 4.2.2 can be found in the Github branch ilias7_stack2019_old is on only security issues mode.
- The stable version 3.2.x for ILIAS 6 is no longer maintained.
- The stable version 3.1.x for ILIAS 5.4 is no longer maintained
- The stable version 3.0.x for ILIAS 5.3 is no longer maintained
- The stable version 2.4.x for ILIAS 5.2 to 5.3 is no longer maintained
- The stable version 2.3.x for ILIAS 5.0 to 5.1 is no longer maintained
- Solves #37393 Matrix Validation & Feedback in Tests
- Solves #37318 Default feedback for locked answer view
- Solves #36721 Generic feedback in test results
- Solves #37402 Wrong "not a matrix error message" when matrix
- Solves #36723 Open intervals not being properly rendered in validation
- Solves #37257 Node feedback lost when importing from version 3.4 to version 7.2
- Logical operators in Truth Tables Headers are now properly rendered
- Solves #37456 about extra feedback options not being properly shown in Test results
- Feedback is properly rendered in Test run and Test results when Plots are present in the question or specific feedback fields
- Variables in Feedback are now properly rendered in Test run and Test results
- Check answer type related issues are now solved.
- Deployed Seeds no longer duplicates after question saving
- Test Results are properly shown for all input types
- Validation now is shown in Test results' user results
- PropLogic answer type has been added
- RegExp answer type has been added
- #37289 only server option after update
- #37210 equations not being properly evaluated when terms are flipped
- ILIAS Question Pools and Test created in older plugin versions (<master-ilias713) are again valid to ve imported in current ILIAS installations. some legacy code was included back due to this feature
It solves the following errors
- #32052, #30682, #37150? Solves all composer / install warnings & errors. --no-plugins is no longer required at cli setup commands
- #29446 firstline option for equivalence reasoning inputs is now properly validated and evaluated, firstline as syntaxhint still not working
- #37100 Dropdown inputs are now properly saved in previews.
- #37111 variables are no longer returned in a computer form after checking.
- #37107 nonotanswered extra options works again in radio inputs
- #37106 LaTeX in feedback is now properly rendered
- #36787 double seeds entered when adding seeds, seeds backend has been adapted to the new backend (2021).
- #35855 Warning is again shown when randomisation is present in a question without question note.
- #32708 standard matrix brackets are properly set in new questions
- #36980 pictures in feedback are not properly imported in ILIAS format
- #36989 Feedback of moodleXML exports now doesn't disappears
- #35709 Text error in feedback in german version
- #23393 False error message when plot2d option
- logic symbol error in MoodleXML format when importing questions in Moodle
- Solved #36872 about importing styled feedback from MoodleXML
- Solved #36578 about no not answered extra options for Radio Inputs
- Solved #36864 about CASText in Feedback not being properly rendered in Tests.
- Solved logic symbol error in MoodleXML import/export
- Solved linux and windows local configuration errors, beware this configuration, as it has not been properly tested by the maintainer.
- Solved issue in fresh instalation regarding default server settings
- Solved an Error when trying to access the ILIAS feedback tab of a STACK question from the question List in a non-started Test object
- Solved a bug where Feedback is not presented to the user in Test Results
- Solved issue importing variables using the "<" symbol, now are automatically replaced by "< " when importing from Moodle and ILIAS.
- Matrix Parenthesis option is active again.
- Check answer type option for inputs is active again.
- User Solutions and Best solutions in Test Results are now again presented as non editable fields filled in with the user responses and best solutions
- Specific feedback in Test Run is now properly rendered
- Solved #35476 HTML Lost at MoodleXML Importing
- Solved #35477 Input not shown validation option is se to do not show validation.
- Some changes were added to the authoring interface.
- First node in each potential response tree now shows the copy and delete function properly.
- Adding a node to a certain potential response tree is again possible
- Instead of a new tab, authors can use the new Add Node button to add nodes to the current prt.
- Addition and deletion of PRT is still done by adding / deleting the feedback placeholder in the question text or the specific feedback section.
This version has been declared stable on 2022.09.14 Its main functionalities has been tested by the University of Erlangen and the Helmut Schmidt University. Some bugfixing may be expected when its use become more extensive. Please keep you ILIAS platform up to date
- This STACK for ILIAS plugin version requires a Maxima Server with the maxima version 2021120900. Other versions may trigger validation errors or not show the question at all
- Ensure you clear the cache after updating.
- Ensure you use the --no-plugins mode on ILIAS Setup if STACK is installed
- Update of this plugin is currently only Manual on plugins administration.
- Changes in this Version
- 95% Percent of the changes on this version were made to the backend, so do not expect many user interface changes.
- The plugin structure has been fully reworked to adapt it to STACK and ILIAS needs.
- The core from STACK plugin Version for Moodle (4.3.9 December 2021) has been included.
- Use this version on ILIAS 7.13+ Platforms, for previous ILIAS Versions use Branch master-ilias7