Summary of what articles/videos/courses I study
Started recording these activities after I was comfortable with machine learning
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- Blog: Machine Learning in Production: Why You Should Care About Data and Concept Drift
- Article: Monitoring Machine Learning Models in Production
- Paper: Towards ML Engineering: A Brief History Of TensorFlow Extended (TFX)
- Paper: Challenges in Deploying Machine Learning: a Survey of Case Studies
- Paper: Hidden Technical Debt in Machine Learning Systems
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- Article: Clustering overview
Feature engineering
- Article: Think twice before dropping that first one-hot encoded column
- Video: Median absolute deviation
- Blog: Dive deep into principal component analysis
- Article: The Ultimate Guide to 12 Dimensionality Reduction Techniques
- Paper: Using KNN to predict student performance in an online course environment
- Blog: Voting classifier
- Blog: Random forest and decision tree from scratch
- Blog: Adaboost classifier from scratch
- Article: KD Tree
- Article: Locally weighted linear regression
- Blog: Everything you need to know about decision trees
- Blog: Introduction to regression splines in python
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Model selection
- Blog: An overview of gradient descent optimization algorithms
- Article: Weight decay: Regularization technique
Meta DL
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- Blog: Illustrated word2vec
Conversational AI
- Playlist: Rasa Masterclass
- Paper: Pchatbot: A Large-Scale Dataset for Personalized Chatbot
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- Blog: Intuitive understanding of convolution for deep learning
- Blog: What is transposed convolution
- Blog: Understanding 2D dilated convolutions
- Blog: Understanding grouped channels in filters in convolution layer
Object detection
Object Segmentation
Video prediction
- Paper: ST-ResNet
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- Video: End-to-End: Automated Hyperparameter Tuning For Deep Neural Networks
- Video: Hyperparameter Optimization: This Tutorial Is All You Need
- Article: Tuning ML Hyperparameters - LASSO and Ridge Examples
- Blog: Complete guide to parameter tuning for GBM in python
- Blog: Adaboost ensemble in pytohn
- Blog: Complete guide to parameter tuning xgboost
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- Website: Machine Learning Engineering Guide
- Blog: 30 questions KNN for data scientist
- Blog: 40 interview questions asked at startup in ML
- Course: NLP Course | For you
- Course: Stanford CS229: Machine Learning