Visual JSON Editor built as an vue component. Provides a basic GUI
Note that this is a little different from some other modules, such as our habitat-client. These steps, though, accomplish the same expected result.
To set up:
- clone this repo to your local machine
- in its folder, run
yarn build
- also in its folder, run
yarn link
- in your app's folder, run
yarn link vue-json-editor
- now you can start and work on your app, which will be using this local clone for vue-json-editor
When you change code in this module,
- simply run
yarn build
in its folder - if your app is running in dev mode, it will restart, run now with the changed module
- or if you are building your app, build it to pick up the changed module automatically
npm install vue-json-edit --save
//import it in your project At your entry point
import Vue from 'vue'
import JsonEditor from 'vue-json-edit'
- objData: json data
- options
- confirmText: strings of the confirm button
- cancelText: strings of the cancel button
Single file component
confirmText: 'confirm',
cancelText: 'cancel',
v-model="jsonData" >
export default {
data: function() {
return {
jsonData: {
name: 'mike',
age: 23,
phone: '18552129932',
address: ['AAA C1', 'BBB C2']