Take Home Assignment for Rest APIs
Write the code for the problem below in the language of your choice:
Count Words in a String
Explain how you would deal with each of the following issues:
-DNS is not working
-Website is encountering timeout
Create a GitHub repo for the following project:
-Get a dataset of your choosing (i.e. Quandl, Open Movie Database, etc.)
-Populate data into a database
Build an API with following components:
-Status Codes
-README with documentation of API
-Bonus: Unit and integration tests
To install and run you need:
- Python 3.6+ (Older versions should work with print "minor changes")
- pyenv (or replace pyvenv with virtualenv)
- git (to clone this repository)
- MongoDB installed on local/server
These steps install cloned code, dependencies and virtual environment:
$ git clone https://github.com/HalinGG/RestAPI-HWK.git
$ cd RestAPI-HWK
- activate your pyenv or virtualenv and run::
- $ pip install -r requirements.txt
Steps to install MongoDB: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/administration/install-community/
- Start MongoDB by executing "mongod" file:
- $ mongod
This should start mongoDB at:
Run "myflaskapp.py" to start the Flask Web Server at:
This is a Rest API that returns the total count of words from input.
Enter input into URL in the form: sentence to count
This is a Rest API that provides endpoints (GET requests) for 3 different types of JSON data:
-Median sold price each year for all homes in San Jose, CA:
-Median sold price per square Foot each year for all homes in San Jose, CA:
-Median rental price for all homes in San Jose, CA:
How would you deal with DNS not working?
If DNS is not working, I would send user requests to the IP address of the server my application is hosted on instead of using DNS. Also, this fix could be automated in python and we could include automated DNS trouble shooting such as clearing DNS cache, ping ip, etc.
How would you deal with the website encountering timeout?
If many users are experiencing timeout issues, the server this application is hosted on should restart itself and team notified(error codes and logs). A timeout of 100 seconds could be set. Monitoring and testing should help the team catch issues early to determine if this is an issue with the client or server side.
- Flask will output HTTP Status codes to the python console: - - [08/Mar/2018 00:25:57] "GET /getMedianRent HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [08/Mar/2018 00:34:02] "GET /getMedianASDF HTTP/1.1" 404 -
Zillow Real Estate Data is from:
Example use of quandl API: