This repository will be used during the Hackathingie event held at the OIST campus on January 7th and 8th, 2016. The goal of this project is to create a terminal-based, academia-themed card game for future enjoyment.
We will further define the rules of the game and how we intend to complete the project during the event, so stay tuned!
Ideas in the first "design document".
Single deck for both players.
Deck contains: Staff and Action cards.
Players gain Budget Point Slots (BS) every turn (up to a maximum).
Budget Points (BP) can be used to hire (play) Staff.
There are different kinds of Staff (even though these are just names and have no effect on gameplay):
- Undergrad [AP: 1 / BP: 2 / #: 4]
- PhD student [AP: 2,3 / BP: 3 / #: 3]
- Postdoc [AP: 3,4 / BP: 6 / #: 2]
- Staff scientist [AP: 4,5 / BP: 10 / #: 1]
Others that we might include later (or a few now)
- MSc student [between Undergrad and PhD student]
- Technician [similar to Postdoc]
- Visitor [it can really be anything, usually for a few turns]
- Research assistant [0 AP, but cool passive/active abilities]
Staff have Ability Points, which belong to 4 fields [associated to kind of different play styles]:
- Physics (blue) [increase Budget Slots]
- Chemistry (red) [powerful attacks]
- Biology (green) [higher Impact Factor]
- Maths (white) [lots of low level staff]
Others we might include later are:
- Computer science
- Crackpot science
Ability Points can be used to play Action cards.
Categories of Action cards can be:
- Gain IF [Conference] (could add temporal passive effects) 1 BP + 2 AP -> 1 IF 2 BP + 3 AP -> 3 IF
- Grants [Big Grant] (req. min 5 staff) 10 AP -> 2 BS + 3 IF + 2 BP 15 AP -> 4 BS + 6 IF + 4 BP [Small Grant] (req. min 1 staff) 3 AP -> 1 IF + 2 BP
- "Attacks" [Real job offer] 8 BP + 2 AP (kill staff) [Fabricate results] 10 AP (decrease 5 IF) [Lab explosion] 1 BP + 15 AP (decrease 1 BS) [Illness] 1 BP + 10 AP (disable staff) (permanent/temporary) [Distract] 1 BP + 5 AP (halve (round down) AP of staff) (permanent/temporary)
- Reaction cards (you can play 3 and have them ready to react to things your opponent does) [Angry referee] 2 BP + 4 AP (halves gain in IF) [Tag along] 3 BP (if other player goes to conference, you get the same effects) [Counterhire] # BP (can hire other player's hire of cost < #) [Cite me!] 5 AP + 1 BP (other player publishes, you get their gain in IF/2) [Deny grant] 5 BP [Deny publication] 4 BP [Deny conference] 3 BP [Deny hire] 2 BP
Gameplay BEGIN * Randomise player order * Draw 5 cards each (from common pile) * Initial BS: 1 (1st player), 2 (2nd player)
TURN * Gain 1 BS (up to a maximum of 5). !! max val TBD * Renew BP (by filling up to current BS). * Fire staff; pay staff. * Draw a card. EITHER * Discard N cards from deck, and draw N-1 cards. OR * Play cards, as many as you want, up to existing AP and BP. * 'Submit manuscript' action (1BP): main method of gaining IF. Starting with high IF journals, and going down, randomly you publish or not, depending on added AP. * Cards to be discarded at any time, if number of cards in hand exceeds maximum of 10 cards. !! max TBD
End of game
- When a player reaches an Impact Factor of 30, they win.
- If a player reaches 0 Budget Slots.