Fire Kangaroo Sticky Notes is an easy-to-use application that allows you to write notes with authentication and drag-and-drop functionality. It provides the ability to store notes across multiple devices, ensuring seamless access from anywhere.
- Users can create multiple sitcky notes with customizable colors.
- Organize notes by dragging and dropping them to new positions.
- Synchronize notes across multiple devices.
- Front end: HTML, CSS, React, and Bootstrap
- Back end: Node.js, Express.js, passport.js, and MongoDB
- Local storage sticky notes for unauthenticated users
- Account confirmation emails
- Drag & drop
- Authentication with passport
- Hosting / live demo
# Download code
$ git clone sticky-notes
# Install dependencies
$ cd ./sticky-notes
$ npm install
# Run frontend and backend concurrently
$ npm run dev-concurrent
- How to help us improve the app
- Anyone is welcome to contribute by making a pull request
- If you find any bugs, please feel free to file an issue
- Start by forking the project
- Making contributions
- After you've cloned your fork of the project, you will need to make a branch
$ git checkout -b name-of-branch
- Make any changes, save your work, and make the necessary commits
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Add summary of the code you worked on"
$ git status
# Push the code to the branch you made to your fork
$ git push origin name-of-your-branch
- Once you've pushed your branch, don't forget to make a pull request into the