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Floris Videler edited this page Dec 9, 2021 · 24 revisions

The 'Projectgroup 261 - Virtual Reality' excists out of seven 3rd year students of the HBO - ICT education from the 'Hogeschool Utrecht' (HU). We came together from different specialisations of ICT into a diverse projectgroup for the first half of the academic year 2021 - 2022. On this page we tell about the start of the project, our client, the way we work and the conditions of the project. This wiki will also cover all information required by the 'Overdrachtsdocument' and the 'Innovationdocument'. On the index on the right side of the page you can navigate to the different pages where more details of the project will be provided.

Start of the project

Initially we started our project at the Dutch Minestry of Defence. It should contain track & trace of containers and something with sensors. As soon as we were formed as a projectgroup, we reached out to the point of contact, but heard she was no longer supervising the project. She referred to her boss for further contact. After multiple calls and mail exchanges with her boss, we finally had a live meeting planned, wich should take place on the monday of the 3rd week. On the Friday before we received a mail in wich our contact stated that he had no longer time to guide this project. After a quick meeting with our 'project-counselor' Sam Leewis we could start at a project about Virtual Reality, hosted from within the HU. In the first days of the 3rd projectweek we had our first meeting with Alex Jonkman and could start with the VR project. Due to these unfortunate events we had a delay of 2 weeks in the first block, so we missed our first sprint.

Context of the project

In this chapter we go into further details about the context of the assignment, the client and conditions of the project.

Hogeschool Utrecht

The HU is a university of applied science wich focuses on offering a wide range of studies within the 'hoger beroeps onderwijs' (hbo). The vision as shown on the website of the HU states; "De Hogeschool Utrecht wil een belangrijke bijdrage leveren aan de kwaliteit van (samen)leven in onze stedelijke omgeving (Hogeschool Utrecht, 2021)". This translates freely to "The HU wants to make an important contribution to the quality of living in our urban environment". The customers of the HU are (future)students who would like to get educated and get a degree in a certain field.

Open house

The HU organises a number of 'open house' days for future students. The main goal of those events is to inform the new students about what the different educations have to offer. Except the different educations it also gives information about the possible specializations to follow. To prevent students from dropping out in the first year, wich currently is still a formidable percentage, the HU tries to invest in the quality of their open house days. One way of achieving that goal for the Institute of ICT is to show different 'student-projects', like our Virtual Reality project and a project about 'laser robots'.


We are also in contact with the organizer of the HU open day; Marlies Wiegerink. She is Coordinator 'Education Logistics' at the Institute for ICT. She is our point of contact for everything related to the open house day and can be reached via [email protected]. As a project group we work together for Hogeschool Utrecht and can use all the facilities that the client has to offer. We work in parallel with the 'Laser Robots' project group led by Bas van Oosterum ([email protected]). That project group has the same client and has also works to the same goal. Our client is Alex Jongman. He is a teacher at the specialization 'Software Development' for the Institute for ICT at the Hogeschool Utrecht. He is stationed in his 'inspirationlab' at the Heidelberglaan 15 (HL) at room 4.062. he can be reached via [email protected] The last of our stakeholders in this project is Sam Leewis. He is the coördinator of all the student-projects and makes sure all the conditions are met, both by the client as the projectgroup. He played an important role at the start of our current 'VR' project.

The Assignment

Our client Alex left us quite free in regards to the objective for the 'Virtual Reality' project. He indicated that it's important for Hogeschool Utrecht to be able to show a few projects during open days. This in order to give future students a good insight on what students at the Faculty of ICT do during a project. This means that we were given a lot of space to come up with a project within VR to develop ourselves. At the start of the project it was indicated that it would be a real 'agile' project, without a clearly defined 'definition of done'. This was in line of what to expect from both parties.


It has been agreed with the client to start working via Github. We have both programming and the scrum board on Github. Our client has created our own 'repository' which falls under the Github of the HU. The client has indicated that we have to work with A-frame. This is a framework that provides access to the VR goggles. However, this requires the necessary research to be able to work with this properly. In addition to working in github, we have agreed with our 'agile coach' Peter to keep in touch about once a week, via email or a live meeting about the progress of our project and the implementation of the project roles and scrum in general.


The team works all agile. This means we work in a way where the endgoal of the project is not set specifically from the start. This way we are very flexible (agile) on what we are going to deliver. This is communicated with our client at the start of every sprint. On these meetings we show him what our planning of the upcoming sprint is and what we have delivered so much.

Per sprint we work on the selected user stories, wich are divided into tasks. We keep track of our progress on Github

File Structure

- assets
- scripts
- ai-game
    - assets
    - scripts
    - index.html
- world-builder
    - assets
    - scripts
    - index.html
- tardis-world
    - assets
    - scripts
    - index.html
- index.html