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Support Unitful in element construction (#93)
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* Support `Unitful` in element contructors via package extension

* Briefly mention Unitful support in documentation
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martinholters authored Jan 26, 2023
1 parent 6fda63a commit 5a0ebcf
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Showing 6 changed files with 262 additions and 12 deletions.
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion Project.toml
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Expand Up @@ -19,10 +19,17 @@ ProgressMeter = "0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1"
StaticArrays = "0.8, 0.9, 0.10, 0.11, 0.12, 1.0"
julia = "1.4"

UnitfulExt = "Unitful"

FFTW = "7a1cc6ca-52ef-59f5-83cd-3a7055c09341"
SparseArrays = "2f01184e-e22b-5df5-ae63-d93ebab69eaf"
Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"
Unitful = "1986cc42-f94f-5a68-af5c-568840ba703d"

test = ["Test", "FFTW", "SparseArrays"]
test = ["Test", "FFTW", "SparseArrays", "Unitful"]

Unitful = "1986cc42-f94f-5a68-af5c-568840ba703d"
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/
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All circuit elements are created by calling corresponding functions; see the
[Element Reference](@ref) for details.

### Unitful elements

ACME provides a package extension for
[Unitful]( to support quantities
with units when constructing elements. E.g. `resistor(4.7e3)` and
`resistor(4.7u"kΩ")` are equivalent after `Unitful` has been loaded. This can
increase readability and help catch bugs (e.g. `resistor(5u"V")` will throw an
error). The input and output signals of the curcuit models will still be
unitless, however.

!!! compat "Julia 1.9"
Package extensions require Julia 1.9 or later. Consequently, unitful
quantities are not supported on earlier Julia versions.

## Circuit Description

Circuits are described using `Circuit` instances, which are most easily created
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117 changes: 117 additions & 0 deletions ext/UnitfulExt.jl
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# Copyright 2023 Martin Holters
# See accompanying license file.

module UnitfulExt

import ACME
using Unitful: Unitful, @u_str, NoUnits, Quantity, Units, uconvert

remove_unit(unit::Units, q::Number) = NoUnits(uconvert(unit, q) / unit)

ACME.resistor(r::Quantity) = ACME.resistor(remove_unit(u"Ω", r))

ACME.potentiometer(r::Quantity, pos) = ACME.potentiometer(remove_unit(u"Ω", r), pos)
ACME.potentiometer(r::Quantity) = ACME.potentiometer(remove_unit(u"Ω", r))

ACME.capacitor(c::Quantity) = ACME.capacitor(remove_unit(u"F", c))

ACME.inductor(l::Quantity) = ACME.inductor(remove_unit(u"H", l))

function ACME.transformer(
l1::Quantity, l2::Quantity;
return ACME.transformer(
remove_unit(u"H", l1), remove_unit(u"H", l2);
mutual_coupling = remove_unit(u"H", mutual_coupling)

function ACME._transformer_ja(ns, α, c, kwargs::NamedTuple{K, <:Tuple{Vararg{Union{Real,Quantity}}}}) where {K}
units = map(
(k) -> begin
if k === :D
return u"m"
elseif k === :A
return u"m^2"
elseif k === :a || k === :k || k === :Ms
return u"A/m"
throw(ArgumentError("transformer: got unsupported keyword argument \"$(k)\""))
return ACME._transformer_ja(
ns, α, c,
NamedTuple{K}(map((unit, value) -> remove_unit(unit, value), units, values(kwargs))),

ACME.voltagesource(v::Quantity; rs::Quantity=0u"Ω") =
ACME.voltagesource(remove_unit(u"V", v); rs=remove_unit(u"Ω", rs))
ACME._voltagesource(rs::Quantity) = ACME._voltagesource(remove_unit(u"Ω", rs))

ACME.currentsource(i::Quantity; gp::Quantity=0u"S") =
ACME.currentsource(remove_unit(u"A", i); gp=remove_unit(u"S", gp))
ACME._currentsource(gp::Quantity) = ACME._currentsource(remove_unit(u"S", gp))

ACME._voltageprobe(gp::Quantity) = ACME._voltageprobe(remove_unit(u"S", gp))

ACME._currentprobe(rs::Quantity) = ACME._currentprobe(remove_unit(u"Ω", rs))

ACME._diode(is::Quantity, η::Real) = ACME._diode(remove_unit(u"A", is), η)

function ACME._bjt(typ, kwargs::NamedTuple{K, <:Tuple{Vararg{Union{Real,Quantity}}}}) where {K}
units = map(
(k) -> begin
if k === :is || k === :isc || k === :ise || k === :ilc || k === :ile || k === :ikf || k === :ikr
return u"A"
elseif k === :vaf || k === :var
return u"V"
elseif k === :re || k === :rc || k === :rb
return u"Ω"
elseif k === || k === :ηc || k === :ηe || k === :βf || k === :βr || k === :ηcl || k === :ηel
return NoUnits
throw(ArgumentError("bjt: got unsupported keyword argument \"$(k)\""))
return ACME._bjt(
NamedTuple{K}(map((unit, value) -> remove_unit(unit, value), units, values(kwargs))),

_mosfet_remove_units(unit::Units, q::Number) = remove_unit(unit, q)
_mosfet_remove_units(unit::Units, q::Tuple{Vararg{Number,N}}) where {N} =
ntuple(n -> remove_unit(unit / u"V"^(n-1), q[n]), Val(N))

function ACME._mosfet(typ, kwargs::NamedTuple{K, <:Tuple{Vararg{Union{Union{Real,Quantity},Tuple{Vararg{Union{Real,Quantity}}}}}}}) where {K}
units = map(
(k) -> begin
if k === :vt
return u"V"
elseif k ===
return u"A/V^2"
elseif k ===
return u"V^-1"
throw(ArgumentError("bjt: got unsupported keyword argument \"$(k)\""))
return ACME._mosfet(
NamedTuple{K}(map((unit, q) -> _mosfet_remove_units(unit, q), units, values(kwargs))),

ACME.opamp(::Type{Val{:macak}}, gain::Real, vomin::Quantity, vomax::Quantity) =
ACME.opamp(Val{:macak}, gain, remove_unit(u"V", vomin), remove_unit(u"V", vomax))

36 changes: 25 additions & 11 deletions src/elements.jl
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# Copyright 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Martin Holters
# Copyright 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2023 Martin Holters
# See accompanying license file.

export resistor, potentiometer, capacitor, inductor, transformer,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -97,8 +97,12 @@ Magnetization"](
Pins: `1` and `2` for primary winding, `3` and `4` for secondary winding, and so
function transformer(::Type{Val{:JA}}; D=2.4e-2, A=4.54e-5, ns=[],
a=14.1, α=5e-5, c=0.55, k=17.8, Ms=2.75e5)
transformer(::Type{Val{:JA}}; ns=[], α=5e-5, c=0.55, kwargs...) =
_transformer_ja(ns, α, c, (; kwargs...))
_transformer_ja(ns, α, c, kwargs::NamedTuple{<:Any, <:Tuple{Vararg{Real}}}) =
__transformer_ja(; ns=ns, α=α, c=c, kwargs...)
function __transformer_ja(; D=2.4e-2, A=4.54e-5, ns=[],
a=14.1, α=5e-5, c=0.55, k=17.8, Ms=2.75e5)
μ0 = 1.2566370614e-6
nonlinear_eq = @inline function (q)
coth_q1 = coth(q[1])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -175,7 +179,8 @@ Pins: `+` and `-` with `v` being measured from `+` to `-`
function voltagesource end
voltagesource(v; rs=0) = Element(mv=1, mi=-rs, u0=v, ports=[:+ => :-])
voltagesource(; rs=0) = Element(mv=1, mi=-rs, mu=1, ports=[:+ => :-])
voltagesource(; rs=0) = _voltagesource(rs)
_voltagesource(rs) = Element(mv=1, mi=-rs, mu=1, ports=[:+ => :-])

currentsource(; gp=0)
Expand All @@ -190,7 +195,8 @@ Pins: `+` and `-` where `i` measures the current leaving source at the `+` pin
function currentsource end
currentsource(i; gp=0) = Element(mv=gp, mi=-1, u0=i, ports=[:+ => :-])
currentsource(; gp=0) = Element(mv=gp, mi=-1, mu=1, ports=[:+ => :-])
currentsource(; gp=0) = _currentsource(gp)
_currentsource(gp) = Element(mv=gp, mi=-1, mu=1, ports=[:+ => :-])

Expand All @@ -201,7 +207,8 @@ defaults to zero.
Pins: `+` and `-` with the output voltage being measured from `+` to `-`
voltageprobe(;gp=0) = Element(mv=-gp, mi=1, pv=1, ports=[:+ => :-])
voltageprobe(;gp=0) = _voltageprobe(gp)
_voltageprobe(gp) = Element(mv=-gp, mi=1, pv=1, ports=[:+ => :-])

Expand All @@ -213,7 +220,8 @@ defaults to zero.
Pins: `+` and `-` with the output current being the current entering the probe
at `+`
currentprobe(;rs=0) = Element(mv=1, mi=-rs, pi=1, ports=[:+ => :-])
currentprobe(;rs=0) = _currentprobe(rs)
_currentprobe(rs=0) = Element(mv=1, mi=-rs, pi=1, ports=[:+ => :-])

@doc raw"""
diode(;is=1e-12, η = 1)
Expand All @@ -224,7 +232,8 @@ The reverse saturation current `is` has to be given in Ampere, the emission
coefficient `η` is unitless.
Pins: `+` (anode) and `-` (cathode)
""" diode(;is::Real=1e-12, η::Real = 1) =
""" diode(;is=1e-12, η = 1) = _diode(is, η)
_diode(is::Real, η::Real) =
Element(mv=[1;0], mi=[0;1], mq=[-1 0; 0 -1], ports=[:+ => :-], nonlinear_eq =
@inline function(q)
v, i = q
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -295,7 +304,9 @@ The parameters are set using named arguments:
| `rb` | Base terminal resistance
Pins: `base`, `emitter`, `collector`
""" function bjt(typ; is=1e-12, η=1, isc=is, ise=is, ηc=η, ηe=η, βf=1000, βr=10,
""" bjt(typ; kwargs...) = _bjt(typ, (; kwargs...))
_bjt(typ, kwargs::NamedTuple{<:Any, <:Tuple{Vararg{Real}}}) = __bjt(typ; kwargs...)
function __bjt(typ; is=1e-12, η=1, isc=is, ise=is, ηc=η, ηe=η, βf=1000, βr=10,
ile=0, ilc=0, ηcl=ηc, ηel=ηe, vaf=Inf, var=Inf, ikf=Inf, ikr=Inf,
re=0, rc=0, rb=0)
local polarity
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -419,7 +430,10 @@ respectively. E.g. with `vt=(0.7, 0.1, 0.02)`, the $v_{GS}$-dpendent threshold
voltage $v_T = 0.7 + 0.1\cdot v_{GS} + 0.02\cdot v_{GS}^2$ will be used.
Pins: `gate`, `source`, `drain`
""" function mosfet(typ; vt=0.7, α=2e-5, λ=0)
""" mosfet(typ; kwargs...) = _mosfet(typ, (; kwargs...))
_mosfet(typ, kwargs::NamedTuple{<:Any, <:Tuple{Vararg{Union{Real,Tuple{Vararg{Real}}}}}}) =
__mosfet(typ; kwargs...)
function __mosfet(typ; vt=0.7, α=2e-5, λ=0)
if typ == :n
polarity = 1
elseif typ == :p
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -519,7 +533,7 @@ connected to a ground node and has to provide the current sourced on the other
output pin.
Pins: `in+` and `in-` for input, `out+` and `out-` for output
""" function opamp(::Type{Val{:macak}}, gain, vomin, vomax)
""" function opamp(::Type{Val{:macak}}, gain::Real, vomin::Real, vomax::Real)
offset = 0.5 * (vomin + vomax)
scale = 0.5 * (vomax - vomin)
nonlinear_eq =
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
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Expand Up @@ -794,3 +794,7 @@ end
# TODO: further validate y

if isdefined(Base, :get_extension) # Julia 1.10
94 changes: 94 additions & 0 deletions test/unitful.jl
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# Copyright 2023 Martin Holters
# See accompanying license file.

using Unitful: @u_str, DimensionError

@testset "element constructors supporting Unitful" begin
@test resistor(10) == resistor(10u"Ω")
@test resistor(1000) == resistor(1u"")
@test_throws DimensionError resistor(1u"kV")

@test potentiometer(10) == potentiometer(10u"Ω")
@test potentiometer(1000) == potentiometer(1u"")
@test_throws DimensionError potentiometer(1u"kV")
@test potentiometer(10, 0.8) == potentiometer(10u"Ω", 0.8)
@test potentiometer(1000, 0.8) == potentiometer(1u"", 0.8)
@test_throws DimensionError potentiometer(1u"kV", 0.8)

@test capacitor(10) == capacitor(10u"F")
@test capacitor(1e-9) == capacitor(1.0u"nF")
@test_throws DimensionError capacitor(1u"kV")

@test inductor(10) == inductor(10u"H")
@test inductor(1e-9) == inductor(1.0u"nH")
@test_throws DimensionError inductor(1u"kV")

@test inductor(Val{:JA}; D=10e-3) == inductor(Val{:JA}; D=10.0u"mm")
@test inductor(Val{:JA}; D=10e-3, A=45e-6, n=200, a=14, α=4e-5, c=0.5, k=17, Ms=275e3) ==
inductor(Val{:JA}; D=10.0u"mm", A=45e-6u"m^2", n=200, a=14u"A/m", α=4e-5, c=0.5, k=17u"A/m", Ms=275.0u"kA/m")
@test_throws DimensionError inductor(Val{:JA}; D=10.0u"mm^2")

@test transformer(10, 5) == transformer(10u"H", 5u"H")
@test transformer(1e-9, 5e-9) == transformer(1.0u"nH", 5.0u"nH")
@test transformer(4, 9; coupling_coefficient = 0.8) == transformer(4u"H", 9u"H"; coupling_coefficient = 0.8)
@test transformer(1e-9, 5e-9; mutual_coupling = 2e-9) == transformer(1.0u"nH", 5.0u"nH"; mutual_coupling = 2.0u"nH")
@test_throws DimensionError transformer(1u"kV", 2u"kV")
@test_throws TypeError transformer(1u"nH", 2u"nH"; mutual_coupling = 2e-9)
@test_throws DimensionError transformer(1u"nH", 2u"nH"; mutual_coupling = 2u"kV")

@test transformer(Val{:JA}; D=10e-3) == transformer(Val{:JA}; D=10.0u"mm")
@test transformer(Val{:JA}; D=10e-3, A=45e-6, ns=[20], a=14, α=4e-5, c=0.5, k=17, Ms=275e3) ==
transformer(Val{:JA}; D=10.0u"mm", A=45e-6u"m^2", ns=[20], a=14u"A/m", α=4e-5, c=0.5, k=17u"A/m", Ms=275.0u"kA/m")
@test_throws DimensionError transformer(Val{:JA}; D=10.0u"mm^2")

@test voltagesource(10) == voltagesource(10u"V")
@test voltagesource(1e-3) == voltagesource(1.0u"mV")
@test voltagesource(5; rs=0.3) == voltagesource(5.0u"V"; rs=0.3u"Ω")
@test voltagesource(; rs=0.3) == voltagesource(; rs=0.3u"Ω")
@test_throws DimensionError voltagesource(1u"kA")
@test_throws TypeError voltagesource(1u"V"; rs=1)
@test_throws DimensionError voltagesource(1u"V"; rs=1u"V")
@test_throws DimensionError voltagesource(; rs=1u"V")

@test currentsource(10) == currentsource(10u"A")
@test currentsource(1e-3) == currentsource(1.0u"mA")
@test currentsource(5; gp=0.3) == currentsource(5.0u"A"; gp=0.3u"S")
@test currentsource(; gp=0.3) == currentsource(; gp=0.3u"S")
@test_throws DimensionError currentsource(1u"kV")
@test_throws TypeError currentsource(1u"A"; gp=1)
@test_throws DimensionError currentsource(1u"A"; gp=1u"A")
@test_throws DimensionError currentsource(; gp=1u"A")

@test voltageprobe(; gp=0.3) == voltageprobe(; gp=0.3u"S")
@test_throws DimensionError voltageprobe(; gp=1u"A")

@test currentprobe(; rs=0.3) == currentprobe(; rs=0.3u"Ω")
@test_throws DimensionError currentprobe(; rs=1u"V")

@test diode(; is=1e-15) == diode(; is=1.0u"fA")
@test_throws DimensionError diode(; is=1u"V")
@test_throws MethodError diode(; η=1u"V")

@test bjt(:npn; is=1e-15) == bjt(:npn; is=1.0u"fA")
@test bjt(:npn; isc=2e-12, ise=3e-12, ηc=1.1, ηe=1.2, βf=1000, βr=10, ile=4e-15,
ilc=5e-15, ηcl=1.15, ηel=1.18, vaf=40, var=30, ikf=5e-12, ikr=6e-12, re=1,
rc=2, rb=3) ==
bjt(:npn; isc=2e-12u"A", ise=3e-12u"A", ηc=1.1, ηe=1.2, βf=1000, βr=10,
ile=4e-15u"A", ilc=5e-15u"A", ηcl=1.15, ηel=1.18, vaf=40u"V", var=30u"V",
ikf=5e-12u"A", ikr=6e-12u"A", re=1u"Ω", rc=2u"Ω", rb=3u"Ω")
@test_throws DimensionError bjt(:npn; is=1u"V")
@test_throws DimensionError bjt(:npn; βr=1u"A")

@test mosfet(:n; vt=0.5) == mosfet(:n; vt=500.0u"mV")
@test mosfet(:n; vt=0.5, α=25e-6, λ=0.1) ==
mosfet(:n; vt=500.0u"mV", α=25.0e-6u"A/V^2", λ=0.1u"V^-1")
@test mosfet(:n; vt=(-1.2454, -0.199, -0.0483), α=(0.0205, -0.0017), λ=0.1) ==
mosfet(:n; vt=(-1.2454u"V", -0.199, -0.0483u"V^-1"), α=(0.0205u"A/V^2", -0.0017u"A/V^3"), λ=0.1u"V^-1")
@test_throws DimensionError mosfet(:n; vt=500.0u"mA")
@test_throws DimensionError mosfet(:n; vt=(500.0u"mV", 500.0u"mV"))

@test opamp(Val{:macak}, 10, -3, 5) == opamp(Val{:macak}, 10, -3u"V", 5u"V")
@test_throws DimensionError opamp(Val{:macak}, 10, -3u"V", 5u"A")
@test_throws MethodError opamp(Val{:macak}, 10, -3u"V", 5)
@test_throws MethodError opamp(Val{:macak}, 10u"V", -3u"V", 5u"V")

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