Fix issue #80 and #81 (null pointer exception for empty databases)
Fix issue #79 (CCT filter on the trace view, preserve tree expansion)
Fix issue #73 (sort direction is not shown on Linux/GTK platforms)
Fix issue #75 (closing only a window in multiple windows mode)
Fix issue #85 (keyboard shortcut to minimize the window)
Fix filtering CCT nodes for thread views
Fix hot path to select the child node instead of the parent
Fix merging GPU databases which contain aggregate and derived metrics by deep copying the metric descriptors.
Fix build script to include notarization for mac
Fix storing recent open database: store the absolute path, not the relative one.
Fix SWT resource leaks
Fix flickering issue on Windows when splitting the hpcviewer window.
Fix trace view’s color map changes to also refresh other panes and windows
Improve the performance of hot-path operation by not re-revealing the tree path.
Default window size is 1400x1000 or the screen size
Trace view: Move depth field into a separate pane so users can change the depth easily even when call stack view is not visible.
Reduce memory consumption.
Improve slightly XML parsing performance and avoid using the old Apache xerces. Use Java xml parser instead.
Code clean-up, remove dead code and remove unused variables
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