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Good Culling is a part of Scene Kit, a component of the Huawei HMS Core. This sample code demonstrates how to call the exporting api of libCoreCulling.so to perform occlusion culling calculations.
- AndroidStuido 3.6.1 or a later version is recommended.
- Java SDK 1.8 or later
- Gradle 4.0 or later
- NDK 21.0.6113669 or later
- HMS Core (APK) or later
- EMUI 10.0 or later
In the scene of this SampleCode demo, there are 4 objects. The following graphic shows the front view of the scene, the same view when running the application:
In the same time the side view of the scene is as the follows:
android logout:
notice:the result 1 means not being occludeed, the result 0 means being occludeed.
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HMS Core Scene Kit Good Culling Demo is licensed under the Apache License, version 2.0.